Food That Can Make You Fat – In recent years, many nutrition experts have linked the obesity epidemic to the proliferation of ultra-processed foods designed to have a long shelf life and irresistible combinations of salt, sugar, fat and other additives.

These foods tend to make people overeat because they are full of refined carbohydrates, added sugars and fats that appeal to the human palate, experts say. However, most of these foods tend to lack fiber, protein, vitamins and other important nutrients.

Food That Can Make You Fat

Now, a small but rigorous new study provides strong evidence that not only do these foods tend to make people eat more, but they can also result in dramatic and relatively rapid weight gain and have other harmful health effects.

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The research, published Thursday in the journal Cell Metabolism, found that people ate significantly more calories and gained more weight when fed a diet rich in ultra-processed foods such as breakfast cereals, muffins, white bread, high-sugar yogurt, low-fat potato chips , canned goods, processed meats, fruit juices and diet drinks. These foods caused an increase in hunger hormones compared to a diet that contained mostly minimally processed foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, eggs, grilled chicken, fish and beef, and whole grains, nuts and seeds.

Subjects were recruited by researchers at the National Institutes of Health and assigned to live in a research facility for four weeks. There, they were fed both diets — a whole-food diet or an ultra-processed one, along with snacks in each category — for two weeks each and were closely monitored. They were instructed to consume as much or as little as desired.

Processed breakfast: Honey Nut Cheerios (General Mills); whole milk (Cloverland) with NutriSource fiber; blueberry muffin (Otis Spunkmeyer); margarine (Glenview Farms)

Full breakfast: Greek yogurt (Fage) parfait with strawberries, bananas, walnuts (Diamond), salt and olive oil; apple slices with freshly squeezed lemon

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Prepared Lunch: Beef Ravioli (Chef Boyardee); Parmesan cheese (Roseli); white bread (Ottenberg); margarine (Glenview Farms); diet lemonade (Crystal Light) with NutriSource fiber; Oatmeal Raisin Cookies (Otis Spunkmeyer)

Full lunch: Spinach salad with chicken breast, apple slices, bulgur (Bob’s Red Mill), sunflower seeds (Nature’s Promise) and grapes; vinaigrette made with olive oil, freshly squeezed lemon juice, apple cider vinegar (Giant), ground mustard seed (McCormick), black pepper (Monarch) and salt (Monarch)

Processed Dinner: Steak (Tyson); sauce (McCormick); mashed potatoes (Basic American Foods); margarine (Glenview Farms); corn (canned, giant); diet lemonade (Crystal Light) with NutriSource fiber; low-fat chocolate milk (Nesquik) with NutriSource fiber

Complete dinner: Tender roast beef (Tyson); rice pilaf (basmati rice (Roland), with garlic, onion, paprika and olive oil); steamed broccoli; side salad (lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber) with balsamic vinegar (balsamic vinegar (Nature’s Promise); orange slices; pecans (Monarch), salt and pepper (Monarch)

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The most striking finding was that the ultra-processed diet led subjects to consume an extra 500 calories a day – the amount in two and a half Krispy Kreme glazed donuts – resulting in an average of two kilos of weight gain in two weeks. Almost all of the extra calories they ate came from carbohydrates and fat.

“That’s a significant amount of calories, and it translated over a relatively short period of time into some significant weight and body fat changes,” said Kevin Hall, lead author of the study and an obesity expert at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. “I was amazed at the magnitude of the changes we saw.”

Barry Popkin, a global obesity and nutrition expert at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill who was not involved in the study, called the research impressive and said the weight gained on the ultra-processed diet in a short period of time was “profound.” He said the new findings, along with previous studies, raise questions about whether food manufacturers can create healthier processed foods that don’t induce people to overeat.

“This is a very important study and a major challenge for the global food industry and the food science profession,” said Dr. Popcorn.

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The new study, the first clinical trial to directly compare how ultra-processed foods and unprocessed foods affect health, could have important implications. Ultra-processed foods make up more than half of the calories Americans consume, and they are becoming more prevalent around the world as multinational food companies push deeper into the developing world.

Although there are many ways to define ultra-processed foods, they are usually packaged or fast foods that contain many ingredients, such as added sugars, refined carbohydrates, industrial oils, sodium, and synthetic flavors and preservatives. Observational studies of thousands of people have found that eating large amounts of these foods is associated with a greater likelihood of early death from heart disease and cancer.

But people in lower socioeconomic brackets tend to consume the most ultra-processed foods. They also tend to smoke more, exercise less, and engage in other unhealthy behaviors. As a result, large population studies cannot fully separate the effects of eating ultra-processed foods from other lifestyle factors that influence disease risk.

The new study was designed to get around this problem by recruiting healthy adults whose average age was 31 and assigning them to eat both an unprocessed and an ultra-processed diet. The number of people in the study was necessarily small – 20 men and women – because the subjects had to spend four weeks in a research facility eating only their prescribed diets. The researchers prepared all of their meals and snacks, tracked every bite of food they ate, and carefully analyzed the effects of those foods on their weight, body fat, hormones and other biomarkers.

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The researchers wanted to make sure that the processed diet didn’t just contain obvious junk food. So they served many highly processed foods that a typical American might eat daily and potentially even consider nutritious, like Cheerios, blueberry muffins, and orange juice for breakfast; cheese and turkey sandwiches with baked Lay’s potato chips and diet juice for lunch; and steak, canned corn, mashed potatoes from a packet and a diet drink at dinner. On the processed diet, subjects were also offered snacks such as low-fat potato chips, Pepperidge Farm Goldfish crackers, and other packaged foods commonly found in vending machines.

The researchers designed the two diets to contain approximately equivalent amounts of calories, carbohydrates, fat and sugar. But the subjects were allowed to eat as much as they wanted, and ended up consuming more calories from their meals when given the processed food diet.

And the sources of these macronutrients were very diverse. On the unprocessed diet, subjects got their fiber, sugar, and carbohydrates from fresh produce, beans, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, grains, and other whole foods. On the ultra-processed diet, they ate mostly refined carbohydrates and added sugars found in breads, bagels, juices, tater tots, sauces, chips, pasta, French fries and canned goods. Subjects received fiber supplements on the processed diet because these foods are typically low in fiber.

Subjects spontaneously ate far more calories on the processed diet and, not surprisingly, gained weight. On the unprocessed diet, they consumed far fewer calories and lost weight. An analysis of their hormone levels seemed to indicate why: On the unprocessed diet, their levels of the appetite-suppressing hormone PYY increased while levels of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates hunger, decreased.

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Dr. Hall and his colleagues plan follow-up studies to investigate why the ultra-processed foods had this effect. He pointed out that one thing many popular diets have in common, whether low-carb, plant-based, vegan, Paleo or high-protein, is that people who follow them often cut back on ultra-processed foods.

Dr. However, Hall cautioned against demonizing processed foods, because many Americans are addicted to them: Ultra-processed foods are cheap, convenient and last a long time. For example, the unprocessed diet used in the study cost 40 percent more than the ultra-processed diet.

“We’re talking about foods that make up more than 50 percent of people’s diets, and they can be very attractive to people who have limited time, money, skills and access to ingredients that they can use to make meals from scratch,” he said. “For people who work two jobs just to make ends meet and have a family to feed, a frozen pizza looks really good at the end of the day.”

Prepared breakfast: Croissant (chef Pierre); margarine (Glenview Farms); turkey sausage (Ember Farms); blueberry yogurt (Yoplait) with NutriSource fiber

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Full breakfast: Scrambled eggs (made from fresh eggs); hash brown potatoes (potato, garlic, paprika (Simply Organic), ground turmeric (McCormick), cream (Stonyfield), and onion); salt and pepper (monarch)

Processed lunch: Deli turkey (Jenni-O) and cheddar and Monterey jack cheese (Glenview Farms) quesadilla (Pasado tortilla); refried beans (old El Paso); sour cream (Glenview Farms); salsa (del Pasado); diet lemonade (Crystal Light) with NutriSource fiber

Full lunch: Appetizer salad with grilled chicken breast, baked sweet potato, corn (monarch, from frozen), avocado, onion, tomatoes, carrots on lettuce; vinaigrette (red wine vinegar (Giant) and olive oil); skimmed milk (Cloverland); apple slices with freshly squeezed lemon juice

Processed dinner: Chicken salad (giant canned chicken, Heinz pickle relish, Hellmann’s mayonnaise) sandwich on white bread (Ottenberg); peaches preserved in heavy syrup

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