How Many People Did Jesus Heal – It is widely believed that Jesus performed at least 37* miracles during his three-year ministry, from the initial turning of the water into wine to the second miraculous catch of fish toward the end. He also healed people, many people, about two-thirds of his recorded healing miracles, and that’s not casting out evil spirits or raising the dead.

Therefore, healing people was important to Jesus, so important to him that he gave two-thirds of his supernatural, miraculous, transfigurational energy to it. But time and again he used the opportunity to heal someone as a practical way to teach us something else. Something that is as relevant to us today as it was 2,000 years ago. Let’s dig deeper then, let’s walk with Jesus through the amazing teaching he shares with us through these amazing healing miracles, in chronological order…

How Many People Did Jesus Heal

* As the apostle John wrote… “Jesus did many other things. If every single one of them were written, I guess there wouldn’t be room in the whole world for the books that would be written.” John 21:25

Disciples Who Didn’t Understand

When he entered the house, blind people came to him and he asked them: “Do you believe that I can do this?”

Teaching message: Here are two important teaching points. The first is that Jesus often healed people privately, away from the crowd

; he does it here, inside, outside, protecting the dignity of those he heals. The exact opposite of some TV “evangelists” who seek the largest possible audience for their extravagant “show”.

To do it We know that God heals, He can heal, but we also know that sometimes He chooses not to and it is never because of someone’s failure or unbelief.

Ministry Of Jesus Christ In Art

“The one who was there was an invalid for thirty-eight years.” 9 “Immediately the man was healed. he picked up his bed and walked.”

Teaching Message: The man in this story could not walk for 38 years before he met Jesus, but when Jesus told him to get up and walk, he did “immediately”. It says a lot about Jesus’ ability to heal not only the body but also the mind, as after 38 years, one can easily doubt that Jesus can help him.

In fact, as we read the story, he still insists on going into the pool to recover. But when he meets Jesus, not only is his disability removed, but any doubt in his mind that he is truly healed is also removed.

“Immediately he spoke to them and said: “Be of courage! I am. Do not be afraid.” Then he got into the boat with them and the wind died down. They were completely surprised, because they did not understand the bread. Their hearts were hardened.”

Jesus’ Ministry For 40 Days After Resurrection & The Work Of The Holy Spirit

Teaching Message: For this story, our teaching message is the one that comes first. Jesus fed only 5,000 (probably 15-20,000 more when women and children are added!) and then walked on water to reach the disciples.

It is a critical moment for them, as they are returning from being sent out alone for the first time, but they are shaken by the crucifixion of John the Baptist. Therefore, Jesus shows them the power available to them if they choose and exercise their faith, including the power to heal.

Teaching message: The woman in this story is Greek, from Syrian Phoenicia (part of present-day Syria, Lebanon, and northern Israel). Here again we see Jesus reaching out to people outside the traditional Jewish faith, pointing to the salvation that will come to all people who believe in him. This woman was a trailblazer for millions who followed her!

Teaching Message: Jesus again takes him out of the crowd before healing him, but the way of healing is different from many; it is more intimate. He touched the man’s ears and spat and touched the man’s tongue.

Jesus Heals A Lame Man At Pool Of Bethesda

Why? I believe that Jesus used emotional communication methods to show the man that he was healing him, to help him understand what was going on. And the first word that people heard was spoken by Jesus himself…

Jesus once again put his hands on the man’s eyes. Then his eyes were opened, his sight returned and he saw everything clearly.

Teaching Message: Again, Jesus takes the person he is going to heal to a secret place. Then he tries to heal the man for the first time but it only works partially

Why was this? There is no doubt that Jesus could restore the man’s sight the first time, so why did he need to do it twice? Look at the first verses of the main teaching; the man was brought to Jesus, there is no sign that the man himself had hope and faith that he would be healed. Contrast this man with the man Jesus healed at the pool in Bethesda. In healing him slowly and step by step, Jesus was building the man’s hope and faith that he could indeed be fully restored to his sight.

Jesus Heals A Man With A Demon

Jesus said: “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but this happened so that the works of God would be shown in him.”

Teaching Message: Disability is not a person’s fault or his parents’ fault. This idea is part of a widespread, long-standing and completely inaccurate narrative that associates the disabled and all disabled people with sin, suffering and the need for charity.

As we have seen and will see again as we explore more of Jesus’ healing miracles in future blog posts, there is much more going on in each case than the healing itself. The healing may have been really important to the person concerned, but what Jesus taught those witnesses who saw and heard him firsthand, and all the billions of us who have come across these stories since then, is far more important.

Many of us (but not all) who have additional needs or disabilities, or their friends and family members who do, may long for healing or treatment; We may sometimes wonder why God can ignore our prayers and supplications. But perhaps now, as then, God is teaching us something of eternal importance about himself, our loved ones. Let our hearts and minds learn, be ready to learn what God has to share with us. Let us be willing to dig deeper, examine what God is doing in our story or the story of our loved one, and realize that healing may not be what God has in mind, it may be something even more interesting!

Jesus Heals Blind Men And Helps Zacchaeus

New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Just £3.95 including post and packing (UK only). A digital download is also available for £3.95. Contact me for international shipping. Jesus is generally considered to have performed at least 37* miracles during his three-year ministry, from the first turning of the water into wine to the second miraculous catch of fish toward the end. He also healed people, many people, about two-thirds of his recorded healing miracles, and that’s not casting out evil spirits or raising the dead.

Therefore, healing people was important to Jesus, so important to him that he gave two-thirds of his supernatural, miraculous, transfigurational energy to it. But time and again he used the opportunity to heal someone as a practical way to teach us something else. Something that is as relevant to us today as it was 2,000 years ago. Let’s dig deeper then, let’s walk with Jesus through the amazing teaching he shares with us through these amazing healing miracles, in chronological order…

* As the apostle John wrote… “Jesus did many other things. If every single one of them were written, I guess there wouldn’t be room in the whole world for the books that would be written.” John 21:25

What Miracles Did Jesus Perform?

Teaching Message: This was Jesus’ second and first healing miracle. He was starting his ministry and realized that he had to show his authority so that people would follow him. It is also significant that the survivor was the son of a royal servant. Word will come back about the ‘King of Kings’!

When they left the synagogue, they went with James and John to the house of Simon (Peter) and Andrew. Simun’s mother-in-law was in bed with a fever…”

Teaching Message: Jesus had just begun to call his disciples. He knew how important Simon (Peter) would be, as well as his brother, Andrew. I wonder if Jesus thought that their sick relative might cause them to change their minds about following him? Imagine how different the next three years will be

How did jesus heal people, how did jesus heal, how many people did jesus heal in the bible, how many blind people did jesus heal in the bible, why did jesus heal people, how many people did jesus baptize, why did jesus heal, did jesus heal everyone, who did jesus heal, how many times did jesus heal on the sabbath, how did jesus heal the sick, how many blind people did jesus heal

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