Susan Bennett Voice Of Siri – She has interacted with millions of people and most of them have no idea what she looks like.

The woman behind one of North America’s most famous voices visited Harvard on Friday to explain how she became the voice of the first iteration of Siri, the Apple iPhone’s virtual assistant. Instead of a stilted, computerized voice for their new product in 2011, the hi-tech giant opted for the dulcet tones of voice actor Susan Bennett.

Susan Bennett Voice Of Siri

“I feel like I know a lot of you,” Bennett joked to the crowd at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study symposium “Beyond Words: Gender and the Aesthetics of Communication,” a daylong conference that examined body communication and It also included discussions. Perfume, tattoos, sign language, dance and fashion.

The Real Siri

Bennett was part of a panel that explored advances in social robotics and artificial intelligence (AI), a field of computer science poised to revolutionize the way we live in the coming years and decades. While some AI technologies – think self-driving cars – are still in the testing phase, others, like Siri, have become an essential part of our daily lives. Today, in addition to Siri, there is Alexa, Amazon’s virtual assistant that answers questions and requests when her name is called; Cortana, a virtual assistant created by Microsoft for some Windows platforms; And the nameless Google Assistant.

Bennett, a longtime singer and voice-over artist, said she had no idea she would become the voice of Siri when she began the tedious task of recording scripts several years ago, “made just for sound and not for content or meaning.” . Sample lines include phrases like “Cowboys in the cow pod today” and “Say the chop again”.

They were “pretty crazy,” Bennett said of the gibberish that took four months to complete despite recording four hours a day, five days a week. But that silly array of organized words allowed engineers to capture “all the sound combinations in the language” in digital format. ” Granted, she said, and it is necessary for the next phase of the project: connection, during which the computer programmers rearranged. New sentences are heard.

“This is what ended up on our phones,” said Bennett, who bemoaned the fact that the original Siri, known for responding with a dose of attitude, has already been replaced by a hipper, high-pitched and tinny voice. There is, one that prefers to answer in a more casual, vague way.

Meet The Woman Behind The Voice Of Siri

Offering another perspective on virtual assistants was Noelle Lacherite, software engineer and lead developer of Alexa, who reminded the audience that the ability to interact with a computerized device sounds like magic, but it takes thousands of people to make it a reality. .

“It’s built on the backs of developers,” who take Alexa’s failure to understand a command or request and “hard-code the solution,” LaCharite said. As part of a team of coders who helped program Amazon’s voice assistant in its early days, LaCharite said she saw Alexa has made it her mission to write 800 lines of code, resulting in 600 different daily supports for users who might need a little pep talk or motivation. “I now understand myself as storytellers, really just as human beings,” she said. “Our job is to constantly think about these infinite ways that we should be able to communicate,” she said.

Cynthia Brazile, associate professor of media arts and sciences at the MIT Media Lab and founder and lead scientist behind the social robot Jibo, said her work has focused on how to design robots that can communicate more effectively with humans and, in turn, how that communication can be improved. affects the way human behavior. During her research, Brazile said she found that the more human-like a robot is, the better people respond. Her studies have repeatedly shown that children relate better to and often imitate a robot, which is more expressive with its voice and its movements, and which shows a sense of empathy. “I think we’re at the beginning of thinking about this world interacting with AI with intent,” Brazile said.

In a day of discussion devoted to the topic of how humans use their bodies to communicate, it seemed only fitting to have a speaker dedicated to fashion. Valerie Steele, Director and Chief Curator of the Museum at the Fashion Institute of Technology, gave the keynote address, noting that clothing has been used for centuries to send messages, attract attention and cover up flaws. The corset lasted from the 1500s to the mid-20th century, she said, because it was a way for women to show off their best body features while hiding their worst.

Hey Siri: Meet Susan Bennett, The Real Voice Behind Apple’s Voice Assistant

“The corset is a lie but we prefer a lie to the truth,” Steele quoted a 19th-century doctor as saying during his conversation. Similarly, she attributed the enduring popularity of the business suit to the fact that it “did to the man’s body all the innumerable defects like the corset to the woman’s.”

Following the ensuing science and technology conflict, a turn to divine science and technology follows the conflict, a turn of divine worshipers arriving for Mass at a church in Sierra Leone, one of three countries Harvard’s Joseph Heinrich and his colleagues studied to better understand. The relationship between war and religion. AP Photo Two crossed lines forming an ‘X’. It indicates a way to close the interaction or delete the notification.

A home chevron icon indicates an expandable section or menu or sometimes previous/next navigation options. Tech

I was the original voice of Siri. Even though Apple used my voice without my knowledge, it’s been a fun ride.

This Is The Real Voice Behind Siri

The Twitter icon is a stylized bird with an open mouth, tweeting. Twitter LinkedIn icon word “in”. LinkedIn Flipboard icon A stylized letter F. Flipboard Facebook icon Letter F. Facebook email icon An envelope. It shows the ability to send email. An image of an email link icon chain link. It symbolizes the website link url. Copy the link

Susan Bennett said she began her career as a voice actor by accident, singing jingles for commercials. Susan Bennett

The so-called essay is based on conversations with Atlanta-based voice actor Susan Bennett. The following has been edited for length and clarity.

I got into voiceover acting by accident. I sang jingles for commercials, and I worked at a few studios in Atlanta. One day, while I was recording, a voice actor for another commercial didn’t show up.

Meet The Voice Of Apple’s Siri

When we finished the song, the owner of the studio said, “Susan, you don’t have an accent. Come over here and record this copy.” It went well, I got a voice coach, and that was the beginning of it all.

In July 2005, six years before Apple introduced Siri, I made the recordings that would eventually be used for the famous personal assistant.

I got a gig recording for ScanSoft, an interactive voice response company, now called Nuance. I thought the script would have regular sayings, like “Thank you for calling,” or “Please dial one.” Instead, I had to read nonsense sentences like “cow host in the tug hut today” or “say shift fresh issue today” – they were trying to get all the sound combinations in the English language. They also asked me to recite the address and street names.

I recorded from home four hours a day, five days a week for the entire month of July. The first hundred or so were fun and interesting, but after that it got pretty tiring.

How To Change Siri’s Voice

Six years later, a fellow voice actor emailed me and said, “Hey, we’re playing with this new iPhone — isn’t that you?” I had no idea what they were talking about. I went straight to Apple’s website to listen and immediately knew it was my voice. (Editor’s note: An audio-forensic expert with 30 years of experience has studied both voices and says he’s “100%” certain the two are the same, as reported by CNN.)

I was paid for the gig by ScanSoft, but because Apple bought the recordings from ScanSoft, I never received a dime or any recognition from Apple. It was an odd situation to say the least.

Of course, I was very happy, but I was also worried that my voice would become so ubiquitous that it would affect my ability to book other gigs. I loved my voiceover career, and I didn’t want to be pigeonholed as a virtual-supporting voice.

Apple later released different accents and languages ​​for Siri. I met John Briggs, the famous BBC announcer in England who voiced the original British version of Siri. I also joined Karen Jacobson, a voice actor and singer who was originally from Australian Siri. From my conversations with them, they had exactly the same experience: they made recordings in 2005, not knowing what they would eventually be used for, and then their voices were bought by Apple and used for Siri.

Hey, Siri! Meet The Real People Behind Apple’s Voice Activated Assistant

The fact that Apple didn’t pay us meant we didn’t even have a non-disclosure agreement. We all decided, “Well,

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