Things To Bring For Umrah – Six days. Where has the time gone?! I will leave for Umrah in less than a week now insha’Allah

Since I had already prepared a packing list in advance of all the things I would need (from past experience) I thought why not share it with the rest of you who are not sure or don’t know what to pack. I learned by accident, when I packed unnecessary things the first time I went and missed the most important things! So fear not my sisters, I believe this is an extensive list of

Things To Bring For Umrah

You can print this PDF and tick off things you already have in your purse or take with you when you go shopping (it also keeps you from overspending and buying things you want but don’t really need. – yes I’m totally guilty of this). I’ve also left some empty boxes for you to add personal items you may want to take with you.

Hajj 2023 Pilgrimage, Rituals, And Importance *updated May 2023*

Additionally, I thought I’d share some tips and tricks on how to pack and store your hijab, abaya and toiletries along with some MUST-HAVEs and MUST-HAVEs!

Vacuum Bags: Iron your Hijabs and Abayas, fold them into several storage bags and use your vacuum to absorb any excess air. I bought these from a £1 shop. Saves space and time!

Comfortable Shoes – I bought these from TKMaxx for £10.00 for my previous Umrah trip and they were amazing. When my mother had bought it for me, I thought it was the worst thing, but when you get there, it won’t matter!

Boat Wipe Travel Bag (L) – this contains my shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, face wash, loofah and pocket tissues. I take full size products when I share with my sister. But feel free to take travel-sized items! TIP: I opened the lids of all the bottles and covered them with cling film and also wrapped around them to make sure nothing spilled or leaked into my bag.

Haj Mubarik Gifts

SPF 50+ 100ml – for around £17 from Boots. Highly recommend taking some kind of SPF with you as the temperature in Saudi Arabia can reach 40 degrees Celsius.

Vaseline – essential as your lips will be very dry. N.B. Do NOT use it during the state of Ihram.

I would suggest you go to your doctor and ask him to prescribe you these pills that delay your period while you are going to make the most of the little time you have there. *This is a recommendation and these pills can only be prescribed by your doctor.

Must-Have for when you are in the state of Ihram as you cannot use any perfumed products. ADVICE: Research what you can and cannot do in the state of Ihram. Simple products can be bought at any pharmacy.

What Should I Pack For Hajj?

EcoTools Sustainable Sleep Mask £4.99 – a flight must have! Make sure you sleep well during your trip to Makkah as you will need all the energy you have to perform Umrah.

In-Plane Socks – it can get very cold on a plane! I bought these for £2.00 from Primark.

Travel Folder – this will come in handy as you can keep your tickets, passports, duas and notes in a safe place.

Hijab – take a light hijab and don’t be afraid to take color, you don’t have to wear black all the time! TIP: if you or a family member gets lost, it will be easier to find you if you are wearing a colored hijab. Also, don’t take too many with you, as you might want to buy from there.

You Can’t Go Wrong With These 10 Hajj Gifts

Matching Linen/Cotton Pants – these are to wear under your abaya. Very nice and light and you can also fold them easily when performing ablution. I bought these from H&M for £12.99. TIP: Take a few pairs of these with you.

I hope you benefit from this as much as I did. Please share this with your friends and family.

If you are going to Umrah, please keep me and my family along with the Ummah in your prayers insha’Allah. I pray to Allah SWT that your Umrah is accepted. For those of you who have not come, I pray to Allah SWT to grant you and your family the opportunity to perform Umrah and Hajj every year insha’Allah. (Say Amen)

My next post will be how to prepare for Umrah physically, spiritually and religiously insha’Allah. I will be sharing with you the personal Umra Guide I created along with helpful duas and books you may want to take with you. If you haven’t signed up yet, please sign up for WordPress using your email address and you’ll receive notifications when I update the blog. Umrah is a religious ritual loved by Muslims. It is a trip to the Holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. It is a great journey and it is a great opportunity if Muslims do it at least once in their life.

Hajj Tips: Packing List For Women

The main purpose of performing Umrah is to wash away all past sins. Every human is liable to make mistakes, but the best are those who repent. Thus, Umrah gives you the opportunity to repent and ask for forgiveness from Allah (S.W.T).

You can find great opportunities to visit the Holy city no matter where you are. You can get Saudi umrah visa from Dubai or any other place. Finding a good Umrah Travel Agency like Saifco travel and tourism will be the best. Such organizations offer cheap umrah packages from dubai by air and even by road.

However, you need to be familiar with all the customs before going to the holy place. You can check “The Main Pillars of Umrah: Important Acts and Their Importance” to get more advanced information about the ritual. In addition, your luggage must also be short for the trip. Your luggage should not be overweight, so it becomes difficult to manage.

So, today we bring you all the important information to make the Umrah journey. So, make sure you follow everything after applying for umrah visa online or getting Umrah Visa services from a good travel agency.

Umrah Essentials Packing Guide

This is one of the top things you should prepare carefully. Lack of any document may result in cancellation of your Umrah. Make sure you put the saudi umrah visa from Dubai at the top, followed by the following items:

We all know that Ihram is a sacred garment that you need to wear in this journey. Once you reach the Holy place, you change into Ihram. It is a two-piece long cotton cloth that covers the upper and lower parts of the male body. However, women can wear anything under Ihram. So, make sure you keep comfortable and light clothes to wear underneath. Additionally, this place is usually hot, so make sure the clothing is made of breathable material to avoid discomfort.

Moreover, it is better to keep the Quran in your pocket. It will help you to read the Holy book wherever you want in the journey. You can search for them after getting your Saudi umrah visa from Dubai or any other country. Many friendly Quranic texts and Sunnah books are available. You can also keep a book of different zikr requestors so that you can continue to pray on the go.

Be sure to keep a check and balance on the weather in Mecca. You can even consult Umrah travel Agency UAE and UK to confirm the weather conditions in the area. You will travel on a long flight which is usually tiring. So, make sure you wear clothes that are comfortable and do not cause any discomfort.

Which Things Are Require To Go For Umrah?

Moreover, the weather is warm, but sometimes it starts to rain even if the forecast doesn’t show it. So, keep an umbrella with you on the trip. Therefore, keep the clothes in a breathable fabric that does not cause irritation. The clothes should go with the norms and culture of the local people. Make sure that your clothing does not hurt people’s feelings. Men are more likely to wear trousers and shirts, whereas women may wear shalwar kameez.

Also, keep an extra pair of slippers with you for easy ablutions every time. In addition, here is a list of equipment that you must carry on the trip.

Make sure you keep all the essentials you use every day. It becomes difficult to buy everything on the spot as the main thing is to perform Umrah as soon as you arrive. Here is a list of things you might need there.

You may feel hungry at times; therefore, make sure you keep some light snacks with you. You can also put small plastic bags. You can use them to carry food in places like Mina, Arafat and Muzdalifah.

How To Wear An Ihram For Men And Women

Consult a doctor if you are a patient of a certain disease. Get his approval before availing Umrah Visa services. In addition, some people have problems with blood pressure, diabetes, or arthritis. Make sure you keep all the necessary medicines in your daily routine.

Keep a record of

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