How To Get Rid Of Eye Infections – If your eyes continue to itch and dry constantly, you most likely have an eye infection. Eye infections can be uncomfortable and painful and lead to serious health problems if left untreated. Fortunately, there are home remedies for eye infections that you can try along with traditional medications to get rid of them. Read on to know more!

An eye infection is usually accompanied by redness and itching of the eyes. It can affect the following parts of the eyes:

How To Get Rid Of Eye Infections

Other types of eye infections include chalazion, trachoma, uveitis, endophthalmitis, dacryocystitis, orbital cellulitis and eye herpes caused by the herpes simplex virus.

Swollen Eyes, Dark Circles, Red And Burning Eyes

An eye infection can affect all or both of your eyes. One of the leading cataract and refractive surgeons, Dr. Michael J. Shumski, MD, MSE, says, “One of the most common infections that can cause permanent vision damage and blindness are lens-related infections. Contact lenses are a risk factor for many different types of bacteria. These are some of the most common vision-threatening and blinding infections in otherwise healthy young people.”

If you are dealing with an eye infection, you may be wondering how to cure an eye infection in 24 hours. While medications are important, certain home remedies can reduce symptoms and help control the infection. Make sure you discuss these remedies with your doctor.

Newborns can get eye infections. Breast milk can actually control the symptoms of eye infections in newborns, such as conjunctivitis (1). Colostrum contains high levels of antibodies that can help fight infections and can help reduce conjunctivitis in newborn babies.

Colostrum is the first milk produced by the mammary glands after birth. Since colostrum is more effective against eye infections than mature milk, you can store pumped colostrum in the freezer for 6-12 months and use later if needed (1).

Infected Eye: 8 Common Causes

Essential oils of tea tree, peppermint and rosemary have antimicrobial properties (2). Therefore, they can help fight and prevent bacterial and fungal infections.

Caution: Do not apply essential oils (diluted or otherwise) around the eyes as they can cause irritation and a burning sensation.

Green tea extract is rich in bioactive compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties (3). Using green tea bags can soothe the eyes and reduce inflammation, but there is no scientific evidence to prove that they can treat eye infections. Therefore, be careful.

Dispose of used tea bags immediately to avoid the risk of spreading the infection to the other eye or other persons.

Red Eyes: Symptoms, Causes, And Treatments

Honey has been used to treat eye infections such as blepharitis, keratitis, and conjunctivitis (4). It is one of the best home remedies for Madras eye. Since honey has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, it can help reduce eye infections.

Curcumin is the main bioactive compound in turmeric. Its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties can help reduce symptoms associated with eye infections (5). It is commonly found in several Madras eye home remedies. Although more randomized clinical trials are needed to confirm its therapeutic properties, early studies have shown promising results. Therefore, turmeric can be a good home remedy for eye infections.

Sometimes an allergic reaction to chemicals or a change in the weather can cause eye infections to flare up. Because of its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, lemon juice can help fight eye infections and their symptoms (6). However, since there is not enough research to support this, make sure you discuss this remedy with your doctor.

Saline is recommended for treating certain types of eye infections (7). Some believe this can be attributed to the antiseptic properties of salt water. However, there is no research to support this claim. Because saline is similar to tears, some claim it can help reduce eye infections.

Common Eye Symptoms And What They Mean

Due to a fast-paced lifestyle, the body can become deficient in essential vitamins and minerals. This, in turn, can make you vulnerable to eye infections. Research shows that vitamins A, C, and E can be helpful in maintaining good eye health (8).

These nutrients can help prevent infection or damage to your eyes. You can consume foods that are rich in these nutrients. In addition, you can also consume foods like leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, seafood, nuts and cheese.

In animal studies, the ricinoleic acid in castor oil, which has anti-inflammatory properties, was found to reduce eye inflammation (9). The oil can also lubricate the eyes, which can help reduce irritation (10), (11).

Using a cold compress can help reduce swelling and discomfort caused by an eye infection (12). However, it will not treat the infection.

How To Prevent Common Eye Problems

These home remedies can go a long way in helping you deal with the infection. But it is always better to prevent infection in the first place.

Eye infections are a relatively common condition. Fortunately, you can soothe the symptoms associated with eye infections with simple home remedies. The infographic below includes some easy-to-follow home remedies to provide quick relief. Look!

An eye infection is often the reason for red, dry or watery eyes. The cornea, eyelids or conjunctiva are the parts of the eyes that are most vulnerable to infections such as hemorrhagic inflammation, keratitis, conjunctivitis, etc. While some of these infections require medical attention depending on their severity, you may be able to use some effective home remedies to manage symptoms and facilitate recovery. For example, breast milk with colostrum is believed to be effective in treating eye infections in children. Essential oils such as tea tree and rosemary, green tea bags, honey, lemon juice, salt water, and castor oil are other natural ingredients that can help treat eye infections.

Eye infections can be caused by various microbes or bacteria that come into contact with your eyes or the area around them.

Blood In Eyes

Different types of infections have different symptoms. But the most common sign of an eye infection is redness in the eyes and the presence of a yellowish discharge that may crust over the eyes.

Most eye infections take a few days to weeks to heal completely. However, if you are looking for a quick recovery, consult a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate medication for your condition.

Usually, an eye infection can last anywhere from two days to a week. In severe cases, it can last for several weeks to a month.

Most often, an eye infection is spread through eye contact. Infectious bacteria or microbes on your hands can transfer the infection to your eyes.

Itchy Eyes: Is It An Allergy, Infection, Dry Eye, Or Something Else?

Apple cider vinegar is acidic. It contains acetic acid which can irritate and damage the eyes and cornea. There are no scientific studies to prove that ACV helps treat an eye infection. Therefore, it is important to be careful. Do not use undiluted ACV. Also consult your doctor before trying this remedy.

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Dr. Zeel Gandhi is an Ayurvedic Doctor with 7 years of experience and an expert in providing holistic solutions for health problems that include Internal Medicine, Panchakarma, Yoga, Ayurvedic Nutrition and Formulations. She graduated as the top of the ranks from Dr. D.Y.Patil College of Ayurveda and Research Centre, Navi Mumbai, and is an expert in Panchakarma treatments. She believes that Ayurvedic consciousness … more

Shaheen holds a postgraduate degree in Human Genetics and Molecular Biology from Bharathiar University. She is a geneticist with skills in biotechnology, immunology, medical genetics, biochemistry, microbiology and genetic counseling. Her passion for writing and her educational background have helped her significantly in writing quality content on topics related to health and wellness for over three years. In free … more Pink eye (conjunctivitis) does not have a single, universal cause. It can be caused by viruses, bacteria, allergens, and several types of eye irritants. The name

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Is commonly used when it is caused by a virus, which is the most common type of conjunctivitis. Other main causes are:

Viruses cause about 80% of cases of pink eye. Of that number, about 90% are caused by adenoviruses – the same viruses responsible for the common cold. Because of this, the viral form is sometimes referred to as “eye fever.” It can occur alongside a cold, flu or other upper respiratory tract infection.

Less commonly, it can be caused by more serious viruses. These include the coronavirus responsible for COVID-19, herpes simplex, chicken pox and Epstein-Barr.

Viral pink eye is highly contagious. Anyone who has it can spread it to others, just like a cold. It is easily transmitted through coughs and sneezes, as well as through shared personal items. You can also spread it or contract it by touching your eyes before washing your hands. It is even possible to reinfect yourself this way. Conjunctivitis in adults is usually viral.

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Bacterial pink eye is also highly contagious. It is often due to staph and strep bacteria. The bacteria that cause pneumonia (

However, it can also be caused by threatening types of bacteria. Sexually transmitted bacterial infections, such as gonorrhea and chlamydia, can cause pink eye in adults and newborns.

The bacterial form is spread in a similar way as the viral form. These include coughing and sneezing, infrequent hand washing and physical contact with an infected person. Children are just as likely to do so

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