How Does Home Staging Work – Home Staging… we’ve all seen it on TV shows and heard our realtor friends and family talk about home staging!

The concept seems strange and I still have people asking for clarification…”So the furniture that was there is removed and then you put the furniture back?” In short, yes, but there is much more to it than just furniture. Cleaning, decluttering, repairs, updates, depersonalization and then staging / styling – it’s all part of the process!

How Does Home Staging Work

Home staging is all about presenting the home in its best light and setting the stage to attract the buyer. Home staging involves a number of steps to make the property look its best and every home has different needs. Many feel that a free home allows buyers to see how big the space is, how they can use it and visualize how they want to paint, decorate, etc…

How To Create A Home Staging Proposal That Converts Bids Into Jobs

When we stage the homes, we also get some ideas from the realtor about the demographic and target buying group – this really helps us find a focus for decorating style, colors and also positioning the property with the lifestyle in mind. A young newly married couple would live differently than a busy family of 4 or 5! So we take that into consideration.

But that’s not the case – an empty house looks cold and uninviting plus it doesn’t show up well in photographs, so most buyers will see their home for the first time. Buying a home is an emotional experience – buyers bond with the home and an empty house is just that, empty and you can’t bond with empty!

Home Staging is all about setting the stage so buyers can imagine living in their dream home. They can see how you can live in space. Furniture and style add warmth and help plant ideas of lifestyle and usability of the space and layout. The right scale and amount of furniture balances the room and allows buyers to ‘mentally move’.

This before and after is incredible (photos above). We did a few things to make this home look its best. For starters, take a look at the drapery. That heavy espresso brown panel fabric was replaced with some much lighter ones – check out the difference in the room – it looks open, bright and airy! We also moved the fireplace (it was an electric fireplace, so it could be moved). The original placement made the room look long and skinny (almost like a hallway). By moving the fireplace we have created two spaces. A living room with a fireplace and potentially a wall-mounted TV and the other end of the room, we arranged as a sitting area for reading and a small work space. We were careful to choose furniture that was the right size and scale. We kept the tones light and airy (see that yellow, a stage favorite). We have some simple accessories that really complete the look and add warmth to the space. The art, the pillows, the plants… they all make a difference to the presentation.

Virtual Staging Ai Software Review: Does This 1 Click Digital Staging Software Work?

When your home looks good, buyers (and their agents) take notice! We had a recent property sell in less than a week for more than asking (and they were not in a multiple offer situation). The agent told the buyers “you make them an offer they can’t refuse, or you lose this house.” So they did! Nice looking properties look great in photos, these photos are being seen online, then the showings start happening, lots of traffic shows good (sometimes very) strong offers and the next thing you know – your home sells .

Tags: does home staging make a difference does home staging work home staging home staging tips home staging before and after home staging ideas home staging secrets home, home placement advice. home scene Ah, spring… the time of year when a person’s desire turns into real estate. If the fresh, invigorating weather inspires you and you’re thinking about selling your home, your time is great. Studies show that the month of May historically boasts the highest number of sales for most areas in Canada and for those in the Greater Toronto Area specifically, homes sold in May also went for the highest price.

There are a number of reasons why spring is a traditional time to buy and sell. The snow has melted so the moving process is less of a hassle, buyers may be itching to spend their big tax refund, the kids are almost out of school so their studies aren’t affected, yards and gardens are extremely green and lush and lenders usually offer incentives at this time of year.

If you’re selling, there are a few tasks to take care of before you put a “For Sale” sign on your lawn. You need to find a creative selling agent who knows the area, researches the neighborhood and decides on the best selling price, and finally, gets your home ready to show or “stage” ” hoping to get a quick sale and the best. the price.

The 15 Best Virtual Staging Apps And Software For Real Estate Agents

Of cleaning. If staging seems daunting, and if you can afford it, hiring a professional home stager can reduce the time your home sits on the market and increase its value. For those who can’t afford home staging (and aren’t afraid of hard work), this Q&A with Avryll McNair, a home stager and realtor, Katie Taylor, a stager and coordinator at Andrew Pike Interiors and the scene and the decorator. Becky Freeman, will help you determine where to invest your energy.

“Staging removes distractions so potential buyers can see the features, details and potential of a space — windows, fireplaces, etc. Staging also shows the scale of a room by demonstrating functional furniture layouts. When a space is depersonalized, potential buyers can imagine themselves living in the space instead of feeling like a guest in someone else’s home.” – Avril

“The primary goal when staging is first to create incredible listing photos that capture the potential buyer’s attention. The secondary goal is to sustain this moment by creating a space that is true to the photos and presents a bright, vibrant canvas. clean where the buyer can imagine making the space their own.” – Katie

“First and foremost is emotion. It’s that four-second opportunity when a potential buyer walks through the front door that I try to capitalize on. My goal in any property styling is to create a space that tells a story of to the person who lives there – so the buyer walks in and thinks, “Man, whoever lives here has a killer vibe and I want to be like that person.” – Becky.

What To Know Before You Become A Home Stager — Staged4more

“The worst mistake is using plug-in air fresheners. Overpowering, chemically scented home products can give buyers headaches and nausea. Strong scents also make buyers and realtors suspect that something is being covered up. ” – Avril

“Some agents are guilty of cropping by not hiring a professional photographer or not using the best photographer for the job which can result in grainy photos, poor lighting or awkwardly angled photos. If a seller is paying an agent to To represent their home, one of the biggest investments of their lives, high-quality photos are a must.” – Katie

“Not spending capital on preparing the property before it’s listed. For example, some good investments include repainting interior walls and ceilings (sometimes exterior details like the front door too), updating light fixtures, and replacing light bulbs halogens to LEDs, and storing unwanted furniture off-site in temporary storage. Unless the market is in recession, investing in small adjustments where needed always pays off. The results are shorter listing periods, healthier offers and often multiple offers as well. The purpose of home staging is simply to remove any negotiating or limiting factors a buyer might find when considering the pros and cons of a property. After all, don’t give a buyer a reason to negotiate his offer.” – Becky

“I pack and move personal, out-of-season and unnecessary items from around the house (buyers are not typical houseguests, they are opening closets and cupboards so you don’t hide your stuff). I also do a thorough cleaning (including windows! ) and organize inside and outside — the refrigerator, behind the stove, light fixtures, interior kitchen cabinets, etc. Adding lights to dark rooms will make your home feel more cheerful, and you want to neutralize the decor and freshen the air, too. So add a fresh coat of paint, especially in high-traffic areas, and remove any decor that is dramatic or really personal.Finally, in a competitive market, if the furniture is, say, too big or too small for space, I replace it with furniture and accessories that are more appropriate in scale and complement the character of the house.” – Avril Home Staging 21 Projects To Change Everything: Renovation And Home Improvement Logbook

“I add a fresh coat of paint when possible, clean and sweep, replace some of the existing furniture and art pieces with items that complement the space, layer the bed and couches with pillows and textiles, and add

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