Can You Start Your Period And Still Be Pregnant

By | September 25, 2023

Can You Start Your Period And Still Be Pregnant – You can’t get your period while pregnant, although some women have vaginal bleeding during pregnancy. Some even report intermittent bleeding that seems to them like a regular period. But vaginal bleeding during pregnancy is not the same as a period.

Learn why spotting may be normal during pregnancy, and why it’s important to let your provider know if you have bleeding or spotting during pregnancy.

Can You Start Your Period And Still Be Pregnant

Pregnant. Each month, your uterus grows a thick, blood-rich lining in preparation for an egg to implant there. If you don’t get pregnant that month, you shed the tissue and blood, and that’s your period.

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But once an egg is implanted in the lining of the uterus, hormones tell the blood-rich tissue to stay intact to support the growing baby. And you won’t take it off and start getting your period again until your pregnancy is over.

Irregular bleeding occurs during pregnancy for various reasons. It is important to know the difference between spots and bleeding. Stains are a few drops of blood every now and then on your underwear, but not enough to cover a panty liner. Bleeding, on the other hand, is a heavier flow of blood for which you will need a liner or pad to prevent the blood from soaking your clothes.

Some spotting in early pregnancy is normal, and occurs in 15 to 25 percent of pregnancies. The cervix may bleed more easily during pregnancy because more blood vessels develop there. Spotting may occur 10 to 14 days after conception when the fertilized egg implants in the lining of the uterus. This is known as “graft bleeding”.

Always call your provider if you experience bleeding or spotting during pregnancy. It could be a sign of something more serious, such as an infection, placental problems, an impending miscarriage, or an ectopic pregnancy, which could be life-threatening. (See our article on vaginal bleeding in pregnancy for a full review of possible causes.)

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Unlike your period, spotting during pregnancy only lasts 1 to 2 days. If the spotting is implantation bleeding, it is likely to occur a few days earlier than your next expected period. It will be much easier and won’t require you to change a pad. Implant bleeding does not require treatment and stops on its own. Even if you just think you have implant bleeding, be sure to call your doctor to let them know.

Call your doctor or midwife immediately with any sign of bleeding or spotting during pregnancy – even if the bleeding has stopped. Many women who bleed lightly during pregnancy go on to give birth without complications, but you may need an evaluation to rule out serious problems. Also pay attention to other symptoms:

Go to the nearest emergency room if your doctor’s office is closed and you cannot reach your provider. If they determine that your bleeding is not serious, potential treatments may include things like relaxation and avoiding sex, travel, and rigorous exercise. It is important that you follow your provider’s recommendations to keep yourself and your baby healthy.

The company’s editorial team is committed to providing the most useful and reliable information about pregnancy and parenting in the world. When creating and updating content, we rely on reliable sources: respected health organizations, professional groups of physicians and other experts, and studies published in peer-reviewed journals. We believe you should always know the source of the information you are viewing. Learn more about our editorial and medical review policies.

Truths About Getting Pregnant And Ovulation

Maggie Getz is a freelance writer and editor specializing in health, wellness and motherhood. She lives in Colorado with her husband and young son and daughter. She enjoys traveling, yoga, baking (and eating pastries as mentioned), as well as connecting with other mothers. Medically Reviewed by Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT – By Ginger Wojcik – Updated December 27, 2019

Here’s some trivia for you: Courteney Cox was the first person to call a period on national television. this year? 1985.

However, period taboo was a thing long before the 1980s. There are many social, cultural and religious customs around the world that say what can and cannot be done during a period. And pop culture has been equally unkind.

Fortunately, things are slowly getting updated, but a lot is still missing. One way to shed this periodic taboo is to simply talk about it – to call it what it is.

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It’s not “Aunt Flo’s Coming to Visit,” “That Time of the Month,” or “Shark Week.” It’s a period.

There is blood and pain and sometimes relief or sadness, and sometimes it’s all at the same time. (And another thing: they are not feminine hygiene products, they are menstrual products.)

We reached out to a doctor and a bunch of people with uteruses to find out what it’s like to have a period – from puberty to menopause and everything in between.

Before we begin, it is likely that many of us with a uterus have not taken our pain seriously. Maybe you were taught that this is exactly how the cycles will take place. But your pain is important.

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If you experience any of the following around or during your period, don’t hesitate to see your doctor:

Many of the common menstrual disorders are diagnosed later in life, such as in your 20s or 30s. But that doesn’t mean they actually started happening at the same time – it’s only when a doctor confirmed it.

. But that’s just average. If you were a few years older or younger, that’s also normal.

Like your genetics, body mass index (BMI), the foods you eat, how much exercise you do and even where you live.

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In the early years, it is common for your period to be irregular and unpredictable. You might go months without any hint of it and then boom, red Niagara Falls.

“Menarche, the onset of menstruation, closely mirrors menopause because initially, and ultimately, we don’t ovulate,” says Mary Jane Minkin, MD, clinical professor of OB-GYN and reproductive sciences at the Yale School of Medicine.

Our menstrual cycle is controlled by our hormones. The physical experience of a period – the bleeding, contractions, emotional swings, sensitive breasts – it all comes down to the amount of hormones our body releases at any given time. And two hormones in particular dictate our cycle.

“Estrogen stimulates the growth of the endometrium, while progesterone regulates growth,” Minkin says. “When we don’t ovulate, we don’t have the regulatory control of progesterone. So you can have these desired periods. They come, they don’t come. So you can have intermittent heavy bleeding.”

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Katya Nejed got her period for the first time two years ago when she was 15. At first she experienced a relatively irregular period – although completely normal.

“My period was very light at first and lasted about a week and a half,” says Nejd. “I also had about two periods a month, which is why I decided to go on the pill to regulate it.”

It’s common to feel shy, confused, and even frustrated about your period at first. And that makes perfect sense. It’s a whole new, often messy experience involving a very intimate part of your body.

“I used to be so scared of leaking in middle school (I hadn’t even started my period, but I was afraid I would start and then leak) that I would go to the bathroom like every half hour just to check,” says Erin Trowbridge. “I was terrified of things like that for years.”

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Hannah Said, who grew up Muslim, was not allowed to pray or fast during Ramadan when she was on her period. She says it made her feel uncomfortable, especially when she was around other religious people. But thanks to support from her father, she didn’t internalize too much of the stigma.

“My dad was the first person to know I had my period and bought me pads,” she says. “So it’s always been something I’m comfortable talking about, especially with men.”

Similarly, Najd cites her family’s support as one of the reasons she doesn’t feel negative about her period.

“I have two older sisters, so I was used to hearing about it before I ever started,” she says. “It’s something every woman has, so there’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

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So, periods are everywhere in the beginning. But what about a little more time?

Your 20s are the heyday of your fertility. This is when your body is most ready to give birth. For most people this means their periods will be the most regular.

“As you get a little older in the cycle phase, they start ovulating. When you start ovulating, without anything unusual, you start having more regular monthly cycles,” Minkin says.

But if you’re in your 20s, you might be reading this and thinking, “There’s no way I’m having kids anytime soon!” Fact:

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And that’s why many people in their 20s continue to use birth control or go beyond it. BC can further regulate your period if it was anywhere before. However, it can take a while to find

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