Plants Non Toxic To Cats – Home / Home / Style & Decor / Choose This, Not This: Pet-Safe Houseplants for Spring
Nothing beats spring blooming house flowers, but if you’re a pet owner, think twice before sprinkling those beautiful greens. Some of spring’s most popular flowers can be toxic to cats and dogs. What’s the best way to bring nature inside this season for you and your pet? We asked the experts at The Sill for advice on pet-safe spring plants, and their picks are just as green and beautiful as those traditional but toxic alternatives.
Plants Non Toxic To Cats
So what makes these pet-safe spring plants so appealing? We asked Paris Lalicata, Director of Community Engagement and Plant Education at The Sill, to break it down.
Cat Friendly Indoor Plants
White lilies are synonymous with spring, but they can cause kidney failure and even death if a cat ingests them. Symptoms in dogs are usually less severe, but should still be avoided. Instead, choose a white variety of butterfly orchid. They give you the same milky, peaceful feeling, while being safe for your pets. Because they only need water every 1-2 weeks, they are great for houseplant beginners. And hey, if you’re looking to add more color to your home decor, you’re in luckâbutterfly orchids come in a wide range of colors, just about every color imaginable!
Like daffodils, ric rac cacti have sunny yellow-and-white double-flowered flowers that lift the energy in your home. Unlike daffodils, they are completely safe for cats and dogs. (Daffodils, on the other hand, can cause seizures and even cardiac arrhythmias if ingested.)
If you follow any “plant influencers” on social media, you’ve probably noticed row after row of heart plants in your feed, their long, vine-like tendrils dotted with heart-shaped leaves. Those hearts turn pink, making this plant an ideal replacement for azaleas, which are toxic to both dogs and cats, causing gastrointestinal problems, heart disease, and more. This plant thrives in bright sunlight, so make sure you have a sunny spot to keep your fashionable friend alive.
A heart-shaped succulent – why not adore it? Although not completely safe for pets, we have a hoya heart. Fortunately, this plant is 100% safe for pets. Its romantic appearance makes it a great alternative to the traditional Lenten rose, which is toxic to dogs and cats and causes intestinal upset among other symptoms. It will be a nice touch in your home and an even sweeter gift for your loved one.
When Plant Babies Meet Fur Babies
Bromeliads obtain water and nutrients from the air and surrounding debris, and even above-ground bromeliads are not selective when it comes to water. Thus, these plants have developed special hair-like trichomes on their leaves that can absorb water at any time. These bright plants can range in size from an inch to three feet tall, so they’re a great choice regardless of the size of your space. And they’re a great alternative to hyacinths, which are toxic to both dogs and cats, especially if an animal ingests part or all of the plant’s bulb. Here’s another bromeliad bonus: Their blooms can last up to six months, so you can enjoy them all season long.
Whether you’re a dedicated plant parent or a general cotton picker, follow these tips from Paris to keep your houseplants happy all season long.
A: Any pet-friendly plant can work on a balcony or porch, as long as the outdoors has the right environmental conditions to help it thrive and thrive. As long as there is enough natural light and temperature/humidity, you can place almost any pet-friendly plant outside. Be sure to understand your plant’s needs when moving them outside, and if you decide to move them, do it slowly so your plant has time to adjust to the strong outdoor light.
Remember that not all plants are equally toxic to pets; some can be fatal, while others can cause mild pain or discomfort. The effects of poisonous plants on your cat or dog will depend on your pet’s unique characteristics, such as size, health, and age. For this reason, it is important to exercise caution and keep poisonous plants out of your home. And hey, you won’t miss out on their toxic alternatives with these elegant, unique and trendy houseplants to bring home instead! Many plants that are safe for humans can be dangerous for cats. If you love to fill your home and yard with beautiful flora, don’t keep dangerous plants around. Some plants can make your cat mildly ill, while others can cause organ damage and other serious long-term medical conditions.
Plants For Cat Lovers
The good news is that you can avoid this by filling your home with cat-safe plants. As long as you choose the right plants, you don’t have to worry about the plants being toxic or whether they will cause allergies to your cat’s skin. In addition, you can fill your house with beautiful plants of various colors, keeping your cat safe. If you need help finding houseplants that are safe for cats, here are some that are safe for cats, and some that you should specifically avoid.
Choosing plants that are safe for cats is a good way to reduce the risk of your cat eating something that makes them sick. If your cat sneezes, it may be due to the environment, it may be the result of the plants around you. Although owning a cat means you can’t keep your favorite plants, you still have plenty of options. Here are 12 plants that are safe for cats.
Spider plant, also known as Chlorophytum comosum, is one of the easiest plants to grow in your home. These houseplants can adapt to different conditions without being exposed to any real influences. You may notice the tips of the long, spidery leaves starting to turn brown, but that’s not a big deal. Although spider plants are usually green, there are many different types of spider plants that can add some color to your home.
Orchids have become one of the most popular houseplants in recent years, with websites and forums dedicated to orchid care and identifying the different types of orchids. If you want to add a splash of color to your home while avoiding cat dermatitis and houseplant poisoning, orchids are a great choice. You can even take cuttings from your orchids to plant new orchids and grow your collection.
Nontoxic House Plants That Are Safe For Your Cat
If your cat tends to chew on plants around your home, you may want to plant catnip. Cat grass is actually a blend of several types of grass grown specifically for cats. You can find catnip kits that make it easy to grow catnip at home.
Air plants are plants that attach to other plants to grow in nature. At home, you can grow these air plants in special containers that do not require any soil. Air plants can be potted and stored in a safe place, but you will need to water them regularly as they absorb nutrients.
Despite their appearance, palms are not palms or trees. These plants are actually a type of succulent, but they have the appearance of a miniature tree. If you want to make your home look a little like an island without putting your cats at risk, horsetail palms are a good place to start.
The viper plant may be named after a venomous snake, but these plants are not actually poisonous to pets. Snake plants have large green leaves with a unique pattern, making them a beautiful addition to your home. If your cat has watery eyes or other symptoms of a cat allergy, try swapping dangerous plants for rattlesnakes.
Succulent Species Non Toxic To Cats
If you want to add even more rich, green colors to your home, you can use a Boston fern or two to give your home a natural feel. Boston fern is very safe for your cats and will look great if you take care of it. The only downside is that the Boston fern can be difficult to care for because it doesn’t get a lot of sunlight.
Money trees are another great way to add a jungle look to your home without putting your cat at risk. Although money trees are not watered often, they do need a lot of water. Best of all, money trees are non-toxic to cats, so your cat can explore them freely.
Some people prefer bright colors when it comes to houseplants, and that’s what you can get with a polka dot plant. Polka dot plants come in a variety of colors including red, green and blue. Your cat can safely chew on the leaves of poca dot plants.
Bromeliad plants make beautiful flowers that are safe for cats to care for
Toxic Houseplants? These Plants Are Safe For Cats!
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