I Cant Hold My Pee – Lately I find myself wanting to talk about the things we don’t normally talk about. Things that could embarrass us.

Things that other people may experience and feel alone with. I choose to share my journey so no one has to feel alone.

I Cant Hold My Pee

Incontinence of the fecal type is sometimes expected in IBD. Not accepted, but occasionally expected! Many of us will have been there.

How Often Should You Pee And Tips To Help You Go

But today I wanted to talk about my bladder; how I think I got here, and how that relates to IBD. (Obviously I’m not a doctor.)

I had my first surgery for UC in 2007. I had an indwelling catheter for about five weeks. If you’ve had a catheter for a while, you probably know what I mean when I say that I experienced strange pressure in my bladder and a burning sensation in my urethra while urinating after it was removed. That is normal.

It is also normal to have an urgent need to urinate for the next 48 hours because the bladder and urethra are weak.

Months after that, however, I had to urinate more often and the urge was often sudden. My mom said my bladder would probably have shrunk because it hadn’t had to hold any urine for those five weeks.

What Happens When You Hold In Your Pee At Work

Do blowing shrink so fast? I honestly don’t know, but that seed was planted, so I went with that. Over time I was able to hold it longer and longer, but I could never hold it as long as I did before that first surgery.

14 months after the first I had another surgery and another catheter. Another 8 months later. So I assumed it was just a case of the constant catheters.

In subsequent surgeries, I had only had catheters for a short time, so I noticed no change. It was manageable so in my mind it was OK.

I didn’t do much outside the home. I mainly socialized locally in pubs and cafes, and I worked a 20 minute walk from home. So I don’t think I realized it was really a problem. As long as I emptied my bladder before leaving the house, I was never really caught close!

Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?

In 2018 I had my j-pouch cut away. It was decided to place ureteral stents so that the surgeon could avoid my ureters during the operation. He had done the previous one in 2014, so he was aware that there were a lot of adhesions in my stomach, which meant everything was sticking together.

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I had the stents put in a week before surgery and they removed them almost five weeks later. The whole time I had them I couldn’t hold my pee.

I would feel the urge and then have seconds to reach the toilet. If I didn’t, the puddle would actually escape! When I got there, almost nothing came out. This was constant. All day and all night.

It felt like my bladder hated having EVERYTHING in it. Luckily I lived in a flat and the bathroom was not far from the bedroom.

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Trying to disconnect my IV, grab my drain and run to the toilet was a nightmare in the hospital. My abdominal incision and new stoma weren’t too happy either.

Now, two years later, I still can’t keep it up very well. I need to plan what and when to drink before I travel, but there’s still no hope of going more than 90 minutes without a fairly urgent stop.

There’s often a blind panic that I’m going to piss myself in my partner’s car, which makes traveling quite stressful. Not to mention I’m often already stressed out from not getting my caffeine before we leave!

More recently, in the evenings, I feel like my bladder isn’t empty, but I can’t force it anymore.

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Google has made a few suggestions, but they just aren’t realistic with a stoma and the increased risk of dehydration that comes with not having a colon. I wake up dehydrated every morning.

I can’t possibly go without drinking 3 hours before bed… I already limit caffeine to two cups of coffee a day, and my second is at 2pm at the latest.

I’m not sure I can even safely use a pelvic floor toner, and they are very expensive! At this point I think I just have to accept having to buy incontinence underwear for longer trips.

I know that figuring out what the problem is will be the beginning of trying to fix it. Do I have a small or overactive bladder? Do I suffer from urinary retention? Is bladder training the answer?

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Neurogenic Bladder: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

I know that I have to contact the doctor for this. First I’m going to record my fluid intake and frequency of urination.

This article represents the opinions, thoughts and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by an advertiser. The team does not recommend any products or treatments discussed herein. Read more about how we maintain editorial integrity here. You may have problems with bladder control if you limit your activities for fear of not going to the toilet in time.

See a healthcare provider if you have symptoms of a bladder problem, such as difficulty urinating, loss of bladder control, waking up to use the bathroom, pelvic pain, or leaking urine.

Bladder problems can affect your quality of life and cause other health problems. Your healthcare provider may be able to treat your UI by recommending lifestyle changes or a different medication.

What Happens When You Hold In Pee For Too Long?

These symptoms may indicate a serious health problem, including inflammation of the bladder, known as cystitis, or even bladder cancer.

Health changes and problems, including those with your nervous system, and lifestyle factors can cause or contribute to UI in women and men.

Nervous system problems are common causes of UI. Nerves carry messages from the bladder to the brain to let it know when the bladder is full. Nerves also carry messages from the brain to the bladder telling the muscles to contract or release. The brain decides if it’s an acceptable time to urinate. Functional incontinence can occur when there’s a problem getting messages from your brain to part of your urinary tract, usually the bladder, sphincter muscles, or both.

Triggers that can cause a sudden, strong urge to urinate can include drinking or touching water, hearing running water, or being in a cold environment, such as reaching into the freezer at the grocery store.

Uncovering The Causes Of Incontinence: Why Can’t I Hold My Pee?

Temporary incontinence is usually a side effect of a medication or a short-term health condition. Temporary incontinence can also result from eating and drinking habits, including the use of alcohol or caffeine.

Certain life events and health conditions can lead to stress incontinence in women by weakening the pelvic floor muscles

Weak pelvic floor muscles can make it difficult for your bladder to hold urine during stress incontinence. Stress incontinence occurs when an action — coughing, sneezing, laughing, or physical activity — puts pressure on your bladder and leaks urine. A weak pelvic floor can also cause fecal incontinence or bowel control problems.

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Men have a prostate gland that surrounds the opening of the bladder. The prostate enlarges as a man ages. When a man’s prostate grows too large but is not cancerous, he has a condition called prostatic enlargement or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Men with an enlarged prostate can have that

Department Of Surgery

Men with a history of radiation or surgery for prostate cancer may have short-term or long-term UI. Surgery, radiation, or other prostate cancer treatments can lead to nerve damage, bladder spasms, or stress incontinence. Bladder control problems after prostate cancer treatment may get better over time.

When the prostate gets too big, it can compress the urethra, making it difficult to urinate. You may also have a slow urine stream or be unable to empty your bladder completely.

This content is provided as a service of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (), part of the National Institutes of Health. It translates and disseminates research results to increase knowledge and understanding of health and disease among patients, health professionals and the public. Content produced by the is carefully reviewed by scientists and other experts. There’s a phenomenon plaguing busy women everywhere (OK, and women who just don’t feel like hitting pause

Whether it’s because your schedule is slammed (guilty) or you’re just feeling lazy (guilty too), blowing off your bladder’s signal like it’s a nasty guy on Tinder can impact your health. “You should urinate every four to six hours,” says Lauren Streicher, M.D., an OB/GYN and associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Northwestern University’s The Feinberg School of Medicine. “If you always hold your pee too long, there are consequences.”

Tips For Men To Stop Peeing At Night

So what are we talking about here? Exploding bladders? Higher risks of cancer? A breeding ground for UTIs? Not exactly, says Streicher. But here’s what

Happen when you piss away – or in here

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