God Will Answer Your Prayers Verse

By | September 25, 2023

God Will Answer Your Prayers Verse – Ask and it shall be given unto you; seek and you shall find; knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” Matthew 7:7-8

In 2005, I moved to Colorado as a single person. While I lived there, I loved hiking and talking with the Lord. Nature was often my prayer closet — and the Rocky Mountains were like home. So, when I felt God leading me to move away in 2011, it was hard to leave.

God Will Answer Your Prayers Verse

After I left, both as a single woman and later as a married woman, I often asked the Lord to let me return to Colorado. (My husband lived there too and loved it too.)

Joys Of Answered Prayer

At first, my prayers were filled with sadness. I felt like I was clinging to a long lost love and it hurt to think that I could never get it back.

Over the years, my prayers turned into “open arms” where, instead of crying and hurting, I said, “Lord, this is really what I want, but I only want it if it’s your will.” Both my husband and I were committed to what the Lord wanted to do.

Finally, after seven years of constant prayer, God answered and planted my husband and I in the beautiful mountains of Colorado. The way he responded was sudden and unexpected—and it made my heart glad to be back where I feel at home.

My prayer journey reminds me of John 16:24 in which Jesus tells his disciples: “Until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask and you will receive and your joy will be complete.”

Bible Verses About Prayer & Intimately Talking To God

I have to admit that I have heard or read this verse before and dismissed it in disbelief. Certainly, God doesn’t want us to see him as a magical spirit that we use to fulfill all our desires – but he wants us to seek.

What if we asked for more instead of believing that Christ doesn’t really care about our prayers? What if we dared to believe that maybe God has placed some desires in our hearts and wants us to ask to receive them? What if we choose to believe John 16:24?

The Lord wants us to ask so that He will give us great joy when He gives the answer, which I got by returning to Colorado. Not only are we back; it is that God saw me. He heard me and loves me. And there is no greater joy than that!

This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that he hears us, if we ask anything according to his will. And if we know that he hears us – whatever we ask – we know that we have what we asked of him. (1 John 5:14-15)

Does God Listen To Our Prayers?

Lord, how I praise you for the goodness you have shown me by not allowing me to live forever in sin. You will deliver me. And when my time comes, I will gladly accept the gift of death and come home to you. Amen.

Praise the Lord today for his gift of eternal life and share what you have learned today with someone you love.

If you are blessed by these daily devotions, please prayerfully consider a donation to support Wisdom Hunters Resources. We trust the Lord for His provision.

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Does God Answer Prayers? The Bible Says

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God always answers every prayer—just not always the way you want—and he does it in one of four ways.

When the request is not right, God says, “No.” Just as parents say “no” to their children for a hundred good reasons, God doesn’t owe you an explanation every time He says “no” to your request.

The Powerful Ways God Answers Prayers (super Encouraging!)

When the time is not right, God says, “Take it easy.” There is a big difference between delay and rejection. “No” and “not yet” are not the same thing, and learning and accepting the differences shows spiritual maturity.

When the request and the time are right, but you are wrong, God says, “Grow.” He wants to do something in your life before He answers your prayer because you are not yet ready to accept the answer.

When the request is right and the time is right and you are right, then God says, “Go.” God often gives us the green light to our prayers – and that’s a reason to celebrate!

“You fathers – if your children ask for a fish, do you give them a snake instead? Or if they ask for an egg, do you give them a scorpion? Of course not! So if you sinners know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him.”

Isaiah 1:15 When You Spread Out Your Hands In Prayer, I Will Hide My Eyes From You; Even Though You Multiply Your Prayers, I Will Not Listen. Your Hands Are Covered With

God will never give you something that is harmful or bad for you. After all, if even imperfect parents know how to give good gifts to their children, won’t God, who is good and perfect, do even more for you? He is ready to answer your prayer – in His perfect time and in His perfect way. Have you ever felt that way? “Possessed by the agony of death”? I never faced genocide the way Queen Esther did, but I felt the “death throes” of despair when we faced great financial problems … when our baby’s life hung in the balance … when we lost our son because of drugs. Like Esther, I cried out “Now help me, who am alone and have no one but you, Lord, my God”! (Vs. 16). And God answered me.

Esther’s prayer is paired at today’s Mass with Jesus’ assurance that “everyone who asks receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, it will be opened” (Matthew 7:8). Our God answers prayers! And if you throw yourself on God, as Esther did, and ask for help, he will hear you and help you.

You may sometimes wonder how to pray. The responsorial psalm (Psalm 138) represents a bridge from Esther’s (and our) anxiety to Jesus’ assurance. It tells God what we should say. And between each encouraging stanza, he invites us to join in this response: “Lord, on the day I called for help, you answered me.”

Psalm 138 gives us words to pray when we are in need. It looks at God’s faithfulness in the past and draws from that hope for the future. When we pray with it, our hearts rise from despondency to praise and confident supplication to God whose “goodness…endures forever.”

God Answers Prayer & Teaches Us To Ask

Every time we go to Mass, our loving Father feeds us at his table — first from the Word, then from the Body and Blood of Jesus. How often do we doze off during the first half of the meal, only to wake up for the main meal, the Eucharist? Today’s readings are a wonderful example of how rich food is, which led to this.

The Lord cares deeply about your financial problems. He cares about your fears about your future or your children, your pains, your failures, your father’s health. He died to save us from all these side effects of sin in the world. One day, all our troubles will disappear. But in the meantime, Jesus walks with us, listens to us, hears our cry. And he strengthens us and encourages us and helps us and gives us rest.

Take today’s readings to heart – whether you read them today or a month from now. You can find them here on the USCCB website if you don’t have a missalette or if your schedule doesn’t allow for daily mass.

*My Protestant friends: You may not recognize this quote (Esther C) or the content of the verse as coming from

God Hears Your Prayers And Answers

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