How Much Alkaline Water Is Too Much

By | September 25, 2023

How Much Alkaline Water Is Too Much – PH, which describes how acidic or basic (alkaline) water is, is expressed on a scale of 0-14. Water at pH 7 is neutral. A pH below 7 is acidic and 0 is the most acidic. Greater than 7 is basic or alkaline, with 14 being the most basic. The EU Drinking Water Directive considers pH to be an “indicative parameter” to be monitored, not a quality parameter to be met. The report recommends a range of 6.5 to 9.5 for public water systems, 4.5 to 9.5 for bottled water, and says carbonated water may be even lower.

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality (CDWQ), and the EU Drinking Water Directive (DWD), water pH does not normally have a direct impact on human health and safety. . consumer. However, pH is one of the most important parameters of water quality that needs to be monitored, as it affects how water interacts with the environment.

How Much Alkaline Water Is Too Much

Such altered interactions can adversely affect the appearance, taste and odor of drinking water and may indicate problems in water production and distribution systems that are dangerous to consumer health. However, not only within the EU-recommended pH range of ≤4.5 to 9.5 for indicator parameters, but also well beyond it, scientific research shows that the acidity or alkalinity of water is in and of itself healthy. does not support any claim that it is harmful or beneficial to

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PH is a measure of acidity or alkalinity, with 0 being the most acidic, 7 being neutral, and 14 being the most alkaline. The technical definition according to Lehninger’s principle of biochemistry is that pH is equal to the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration in solution. In non-mathematical terms, pH measures the relative equilibrium between positively and negatively charged ions in solution. In water, these charged molecules are produced when compounds dissolve.

The term pH stands for potential hydrogen or hydrogen power and is capitalized with an H to represent the symbol for the element. It is unknown if the scale’s creator, Soren Sorensen, intended power or potential. Sorensen was director of a chemical laboratory in Danish beer producer Carlsberg, and in 1909 he was looking for a way to measure acidity in order to stabilize the quality of beer. He came up with this metric.

The primary ions used to calculate the pH of water are hydrogen (H+) and hydroxyl (OH-). Water with many hydrogen (H+) ions has a low pH and is acidic. Water that is rich in hydroxyl (OH-) ions has a high pH, ​​making it basic or alkaline. Water with equal hydrogen and hydroxyl ions is neutral at pH 7.

The pH scale is logarithmic. That is, a change of 1 unit represents a 10-fold change in pH. Therefore, pH 6 water is 10 times more acidic than pH 7 water, and pH 5 water is 100 times more acidic than pH 7 water. Similarly, water at Ph 8 is 10 times. Twice as alkaline as pH 7 water.

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This video by educational consultant and science teacher Paul Andersen explores the chemistry of pH.

The significance of the pH of drinking water is that it alters the solubility and behavior of minerals and heavy metals with which it comes into contact. In some cases, pipes and equipment in factories and water distribution systems through which water passes can corrode. Sudden changes in pH turn normally harmless chemical constituents of water into toxic substances. This not only adversely affects the physical properties of water such as color, odor, turbidity and taste, but can also be toxic to consumer health.

When it comes to the safety of the drinking water itself, the pH of the water alone is less important. It’s even more important for bottled water than city tap water. The ions that give water acidity and alkalinity are weak acids and bases, so the direct effect of pH in drinking water is negligible at best. The importance of pH should not be considered in isolation, but as part of a larger picture that includes mineral and metal concentrations, electrical conductivity, oxygen concentration, and temperature. As long as the water at the point of consumption is tested to safe levels for unhealthy contaminants, pH is generally not a concern.

PH affects drinking water by altering its aesthetic properties, subtle taste, corrosiveness, and efficiency of disinfection processes. Humans are tolerant of a wide range of water pH values, so pH as a parameter by itself has little effect on the safety and taste of drinking water itself. This is illustrated by the fact that no government or international agency requires bottled water manufacturers or local governments to adhere to a set pH level. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) lists pH among its secondary water standards, but this is only an aesthetic issue and poses no health risks. The EU Drinking Water Directive likewise only mentions pH as an ‘indicative parameter’ for observation and is not required for health care purposes.

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It should be noted that there is no scientific support for claims that high pH alkaline water has beneficial health effects by offsetting negative acidity levels in the body. Beth Chewony, R.D., registered dietitian at the Cleveland Clinic, says acid in the stomach quickly neutralizes the effects of alkaline water, and if the blood becomes too acidic, the lungs can remove excess carbon dioxide, helping the general public. “Your body is perfectly capable of doing anything,” he points out. pH level should be adjusted. “

The fact that other foods and beverages we consume have much higher pH levels than any water we drink is a good sign that the water we supply is safe at almost every level. Below is a graph of the pH levels of drinking water alongside the pH levels of other products.

According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Water Science School, the pH level of drinking water is tested using either optical or potentiometric methods.

Potentiometric is the most commonly used method for testing the pH of water by field researchers and laboratory scientists. Potentiometric devices, such as portable pH meters and laboratory-based devices for water, use the potential difference of pH-sensitive hydrogen, metal, or glass electrodes placed on control and test samples to determine the pH of a liquid. detect. This photo shows a typical portable pH meter.

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For the general consumer, optical or visual methods of estimating pH are more suitable and easier to use. These methods use strips (litmus paper) containing pH-sensitive organic dyes called indicators. When a water sample is applied to these test strips, they change color. A rough estimate of the pH value can be obtained by comparing the color of the test strip to the provided color scale. This photo shows a typical pH test strip and color chart.

Safe pH ranges for drinking water have not been established in binding regulations. This is because all known and properly adjusted tap and bottled waters have been proven to have a safe pH. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) drinking water quality guidelines, it is not considered necessary to propose a health-based guideline range for drinking water.

A water pH range of 6.5 to 9.5 is often arbitrarily given as the optimal pH for drinking water. This range is considered to have minimal impact on drinking water quality and safety. Both the Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines and the US National Secondary Drinking Water Regulation (NSDWR) recommend that drinking water be discharged between pH 6.5 and 8.5. This is not specifically for health reasons and is based on WHO recommendations to ensure that chlorine disinfection works properly and that corrosivity to metals is minimized.

PH is not the only major determinant of drinking water safety. The acids and bases that determine the pH of water are so weak and diluted that they pose no threat to human health. For example, gastric acid (HCl) in the stomach is a strong acid that breaks down most biological substances we ingest and has a pH of 1.5 to 3.5. Lemon juice and vinegar have similar pH values ​​of 2.4 and 2.8, but they are weak acids and are harmless to consume. The sample principle applies to acidic and alkaline drinking water, which by itself is harmless and safe.

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There is no scientific evidence of harm associated with high pH drinking water. Drinking water with a high pH is known as alkaline or basic. These waters have a pH above 7, and most alkaline waters have a advertised pH of 8-10.

A 2016 Health Canada Technical Report on Drinking Water found limited evidence that exposure to extremely alkaline water (pH 11 or higher) can cause skin and eye irritation. This exceeds the pH range of any of the 190 bottled waters profiled by the Fine Water Society, the highest of which is FOZ Natural at pH 10.01.

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