Which Certification Pays The Most

By | September 25, 2023

Which Certification Pays The Most – It’s only been two years since Glyphosate Residue Free certification was launched, but it’s already recognized by American consumers more than some top certifications that have been around for decades, according to new research from Linkage Research & Consulting.

As we approach a new decade, consumers have never been more vigilant about understanding what’s in their food, along with the impact food production has on the environment, animals and people. Consumer interest in where food comes from and how it was made is increasing. As a result, third-party certifications around food production and procurement are growing and changing the game. Certifications can be a valuable tool for bringing increased transparency to business practices and standards, but they come with an investment of time and resources that begs the question: do certifications really resonate with consumers and in what capacity? This blog explores the resonance of a range of food certifications with consumers.

Which Certification Pays The Most

… Another certification that is bringing new attention to food safety and health is the glyphosate residue-free certification from the Detox project. This certification confirms that the products do not contain the world’s most widely used herbicide – glyphosate – which has recently been linked to health problems, such as cancer. Consumer awareness of this certification remains relatively low (32%), but those who are aware of the certification are willing to pay a premium to ensure their food is free of these chemicals. IT is very useful for your career development. Knowledge provided by IT professionals is highly valued. We at deliver updated and valid exam material for all IT certification exams. Our exam questions are created by IT certified professionals.

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