Will You Go To Heaven

By | September 25, 2023

Will You Go To Heaven – The seventh day is dedicated to helping people understand the Bible to find freedom, healing and hope in Jesus.

Thinking about the end of one’s life is never easy. But despite the sadness and grief that always accompanies death, it is wonderful to know that heaven does indeed exist. God told us Himself that He is preparing a place for those who choose to follow Him (John 14:1-6).

Will You Go To Heaven

“Death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore, because the former things have passed away” (Revelation 21:4, ESV).

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If you asked random people on the street what heaven was, there’s a good chance most would answer, “That’s where you go when you die.” This belief is held by many Christian denominations, and is deeply embedded in our culture. So what does the Bible tell us specifically?

Understanding what the Bible teaches about death and what happens after we die is essential to understanding what heaven is. When someone you love dies, you need to know what happens to them. You may even be surprised,

Because God knows this is a sensitive subject for a broken world like ours, the Bible sets it out as clearly as possible.

“…until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ…one who has immortality, who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or will ever see…”

Remembering Billy Graham: Heaven Is Home

“For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, and have no more reward, because their memory is forgotten. Their love and their hatred and their jealousy have already died away, and they will never have a greater share in all that is done under the sun” (

“And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake [at the resurrection], some to eternal life, and some to eternal shame and contempt (

“…and the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.”

According to the Bible, people lose all thoughts, senses and feelings when they die. They are not conscious of any sense of the word. They are very relaxed.

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Their spirit, or the breath that gives and makes them a living soul, left their body and returned to God until the Resurrection.

It’s kind of sad to think about our loved ones who are no longer there. It’s a nice picture to think of them happily in heaven, watching over us.

. It’s like they are sleeping. They do not have to watch passively as the world continues in sin and pain. Instead, heaven will be a wonderful reality for them when Jesus returns to receive us all!

Jesus compared death to sleep on more than one occasion during his earthly ministry. Once when He resurrected the daughter of Jairus after she succumbed to her illness (Mark 5, Luke 8), and again before Lazarus—Mary and Martha’s brother—was brought back to life (John 11).

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Now imagine what it would be like if Lazarus and the little girl went straight to heaven after they died. When Jesus brought them back to life, he would have taken them from the glory of heaven that they would only have tasted. It would have brought them back into a ruined world full of suffering.

There is another way to look at this idea, too. Would heaven really be a paradise if everyone who died could see everything that was happening on Earth? And not being able to do anything about any of it?

Those in heaven would have to watch the suffering of their loved ones and all the problems on earth. The afterlife wouldn’t look very heavenly.

The above verses of Scripture can give us peace that death is like a deep sleep, a completely unconscious state without thoughts, feelings or dreams.

We Thought It Would Be Heaven By Blair Sackett, Annette Lareau

But now we are on a new question. What is the point of “sleeping” if there is no “awake”?

Heaven is where we will go after the Second Coming of Jesus. This is where Jesus is, and where God’s throne is right now.

And that is where Jesus will lead us right after he returns to earth on his second coming.

“What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, that God has prepared for those who love him”

Amazon.com: Will There Be Golf In Heaven?: A Biblical Perspective On Golf In Eternity: 9798386836405: Herbek, Matthew S: Books

Heaven is a physical location where people can go, and where Jesus went after completing his work on Earth (Luke 24, Acts 1).

Also, heaven is God’s dwelling place, where he rules and watches over the universe (Psalm 33:13-14). Angels live with him, enjoying his presence, praising him, and doing his work.

The most amazing description of heaven and the activity around God’s throne is given to us by John of Patmos, the author of the book of Revelation. He describes how he was allowed to see heaven and glimpse God’s throne room during a prophetic vision from God.

There are many comments about how bright things are, and that there is no night. Sparkling precious stones are everywhere. The streets are made of gold and each gate is unique

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John describes a throne that appears to be made of jasper and surrounded by a rainbow of emeralds. An array of burning torches and a sea as transparent as glass also fills the throne room. Around the throne sit twenty-four elders and four-winged creatures.

The ancients and the creatures are giving praise and honor, acknowledging the one who sits on the throne. They affirm the sanctity and worth of this Person to create all things in heaven and on Earth (Revelation 4:1-11).

The throne is surrounded by rumbling thunder and flashes of lightning. The elders and the creatures reveal the identity of the one sitting on the throne when they praise the

When God takes his followers to heaven, he will be in a sinless state. The world, as we know it, will have already ended. We will be perfected so that we can live in the Eden-like environment that He always planned for us.

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“Wipe out all the tears from her eyes. Death shall be no more; there will be no more sorrow, crying, and pain, because the former things have passed away” (

Through John’s words we can understand what heaven is: a true, physical place and the seat of God’s throne. Heaven is a perfect sinless place where Jesus is now, as He does His work on earth through His Holy Spirit.

All we have to do to get to heaven is to accept Jesus as our Savior. And then let His Holy Spirit begin the work of making us like Him in character.

While Jesus was on Earth, he told a parable that shows this very pointedly. It was about a king hosting a wedding feast for his son.

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The people whom the king had invited refused to come, so he sent his servants out into the town to bring back as many as were willing.

When everyone arrived, everyone was given white clothes, but one guest refused to take it. When the king saw this, he threw the man out (Matthew 22:1-14).

We have to give up the idea that we can make our own way to heaven. It has been shown time and time again that we cannot. We are weak.

We must admit that only God’s power and righteousness can take us to heaven. We decide to follow God and obey His will in our lives. It’s that simple.

Matthew 6:19 21

Want to learn more about God, salvation, Heaven, and the New World? Sign up for one of our free online Bible studies.

When we are redeemed by God’s grace through his gift of salvation, after we have decided to follow him, we are promised an entrance to heaven – when the time comes.

The return of Christ – known as the Second Coming – has been the high point of the Christian faith since the first apostles began to spread the good news of the Gospel. And although hundreds of years have passed since Jesus spoke those words, his promise is still true.

All the details of the plan are in the book of Revelation and it gives us a wonderful glimpse of what the Second Coming will look like.

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The Second Coming will be more incredible and wonderful than any imagined event. All evil will be destroyed and those living on earth who are still faithful to God will be taken to heaven. And all those who have died believing in Christ will be with them, their bodies made fresh and new at his resurrection (Revelation 20:4-6).

“Thus we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and wait until the coming of the Lord will not go before those who are asleep.

For the Lord himself will come from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.”

There is hope in this first resurrection

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