5 Legit Ways To Make Money Online

By | September 25, 2023

5 Legit Ways To Make Money Online – To be honest, making money online is not easy. We all know it. It’s an open secret, isn’t it? However, people around the world are not giving up on this. Any idea, why this wave spreads like fire? (Let me know in the comments below)

Don’t you think there is a need for authentic sources from which you can earn money online in 2019? Believe me, I have gone through the same phase. Every day I wished if someone could guide me on how to make money on the Internet, but was disappointed by every article I read.

5 Legit Ways To Make Money Online

Today I will show you how to make ‘REAL MONEY’ online with sheer hard work and perseverance. Are you ready? Here we go..

Best Ways To Make Money In Gta Online (2023)

Yes, I know you saw it coming? Heard of Jake Paul/Logan Paul before? Yes, they made their fortune on this method of making money online (it proves that this is legit and real money can be made).

I want you to focus on YouTube because it has become the 2nd most popular search engine because people like videos to be more engaging and help them crack the solutions to their problems faster.

So, if you have the talent/solution to their problem, why not make a video and present it to them?

Once you have this sorted out, the next steps are quite simple, but not easy. (I would say, it’s a question every YouTube Aspirant has, it goes like this…

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If you want to learn how to rank videos on YouTube and additional tips to grow faster, check out this blog post by Neil Patel where he explains all about YouTube SEO. (He’s the G.O.A.T)!

As you continue to put out more content, you will get more subscribers, sponsorships, brand deals, advertising revenue, sales of merchandise or courses.

But, the game is not over. There will be hard times, there will be a moment when your heart would say ‘LET’S QUIT’, But believe in your GUT and keep going. Don’t forget :

Do you know this company just went for an IPO at $24 per share! What does it mean?

Ways To Make Easy Money Online. To Make Money Online, Start With A…

Fiverr is known to be a brand that helps any freelancer who is dedicated to their work, to grow and make more money.

Well, don’t get me wrong, I’m an optimist, I believe that everyone can make his/her mark on the Internet. But for that you need the right strategies and professionalism to stay ahead.

Check out this video by RonDesi, on how to get your first sale on Fiverr! Orémis? Click the ‘Play’ button below!.

How was the video? Let me know in the comments below :), I am truly dedicated to adding a lot of value in your life. Get on the ‘HUSTLE TRAIN’ now and start your journey with Fiverr.

How To Make Money Online: See 32 Ways To Make Money Fast

That’s 1 blog for every 7 people out there! Isn’t it HUUUUGE? There are so many blogs written every day that go unnoticed, which is why the Trends given by Google for the past 5 years show a decline in people interested in blogging.


You might be thinking, Karan, If you ​​want us to take Blogging as a business, is it not to generate me money?

Yes it definitely is, But first understand, Money is the by-product of VALUE CREATION, Make sure you give huge amounts of Value first and then think about generating income from your blog. But, don’t worry. I will definitely list the ACTUAL and REAL ways to make money through blogging. So, don’t be discouraged.

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Blogging has a huge potential, believe me, there are many examples across the globe, be it Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income, Deepak Kanakaraju of DigitalDeepak or Neil Patel, everyone took blogging as a business and made their mark .

Do you know what is the reason for Success of Digital Deepak, Neil Patel, Pat Flynn, etc.?80/20 RULE

They spend 80% of the time promoting their content and 20% of the time creating it. That is why they are successful.

When you write your content, PROMOTE IT. Don’t expect people to always come to you. Go out, make a YouTube video, start a podcast, promote your content on social media, this will help you grow your blog faster.

Ways To Earn Money For Your Adoption

Now your mindset is clear about Blogging, Let’s learn how to make money from BLOGGING (I know you are excited about this), Let’s do this!

NOTE: If you​​​​​​are not aware of starting or setting up a blog, I have embedded a video from Website Learners that teaches you to set up your WordPress blog step by step and start your journey to a to become a blogger (if you already know how to do it, you can continue reading the article). Here you go

Yes, One of the oldest and easiest ways to monetize your blog. You can set up your Google AdSense account here.

Google AdSense works on Display and Pay Per Click Model of Google Ad technology. There are two sides to it, Publisher, and Advertiser. The advertiser is the one who pays Google the advertising costs, once someone clicks on the ad that is displayed on the website or Google Display Network Websites (GDNW). The Publisher is the one who owns the website, so in this case we (Publisher) receive a commission from Google, when someone clicks on an ad served on our website by the advertiser. Simple, right? Try it yourself, but before I jump with excitement, let me show you what AdSense wants from you today:

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I wish you the best with your AdSense account, I will cover how to get more traffic to your website in my next blog article, until then let me know how much you have made with your AdSense account by commenting below.

Yes it is true. There is a huge potential in Affiliate Marketing, this topic will be a little more detailed than our next point, but before we move forward, One GIF for you to motivate your inner self and start Affiliate Marketing to make money from your blog ( BTW, if you like my GIF selection, leave a comment below and let me know how I can improvise on it

Affiliate Marketing is an online sales tactic or strategy in which a business owner sells his/her product(s) with the help of an Affiliate (Person who sells another person’s product for a commission). Commissions can vary from 10% to even 70-80%, depending on the product or the niche. You can check out the hottest niches (2019) that can help you get started.

If you​​​​​​are interested in learning basic to advanced affiliate marketing techniques, strategies, advanced funnels that bring huge profits and teach you how to become a Super Affiliate, check out this great course from one of my mentors and good friend, Gaurav Madaan. The course is called Affilator and has already gained good traction from the market. I recommend this course because I know Gaurav’s skills and his passion to help entrepreneurs and marketers succeed in their endeavors.

Making Money Online Sucks!!

I will cover more about making money from blogging in my other blog post. (That will be full of value and you definitely don’t want to miss it)

LET’S MOVE ON TO THE NEXT TOPIC, THIS IS HOW I MADE MY FIRST DOLLAR ONLINE, AFFILIATE MARKETING(There is a reason I bolded the entire sentence, this is an indication of the importance of learning Affiliate Marketing. So , here we go .

Ah, my favorite, I made my first dollar with Affiliate Marketing. Well, I know what your question may be. “Karan, Why Affiliate Marketing? Why do you want us to make money online with Affiliate Marketing, is it not a scam?”. No, it isn’t. I am living social proof that Affiliate Marketing is one of the best ways to make Real Money Online. Understand this:

If I give you a product, For which I gave my Sweat and Blood to make, to promote and get a cut from my product’s MRP, will you not promote it to earn that ‘cut’? That is what attracts people to Affiliate Marketing. You can follow this Affiliate Marketing Guide by Pat Flynn (Smart Passive Income), It will give you great insight about Affiliate Marketing.

Best Ways To Make Money By Reading Books!

You can make Affiliate income by following methods (NOTE: I or any content on KaranParwani.com do not promote anything that is a ‘Get Rich Quick’ scheme, system or games. Affiliate Marketing is a serious business, Take it seriously as you took your college education):

The MAIN QUESTION: Karan, “What are the ways I can make Affiliate Marketing work so that it will generate Affiliate income for me?”

This program is one of the best and most popular affiliate programs on the internet. It is used by millions of marketers and entrepreneurs to make a living. You can sign up and start promoting their offers today. I will go into detail with a dedicated blog post about the Amazon Affiliate. Stay tuned for that!

Affiliate networks are a type of Marketplace from which you can pick up products that are categorized into multiple niches.

Ways To Make Money Online In 2023

They have