How Often Should You Get Colonoscopy

How Often Should You Get Colonoscopy – Screening for colon polyps provides important insight into the health of your digestive system and early detection of colon cancer. However, do you know when to have a colonoscopy?

I had a colonoscopy in November, and I am here to tell you that there is nothing to worry about during a colonoscopy. You will not be awake and feel anything during the procedure. However, many people avoid having a colonoscopy. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 1 in 3 adults between the ages of 50 and 75 have never had a colonoscopy.

How Often Should You Get Colonoscopy

Colon cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. Colon cancer is preventable, and screening with colonoscopy for colon polyps is important for early detection.

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I’ll tell you about colon polyps, why we develop them, and a functional medicine approach to preventing them from forming in the first place. First, let’s discuss when to have a colonoscopy.

Regular tests for colon polyps can detect them when they are small, have not spread or become cancerous. Colonoscopies can also detect Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis (inflammation of the bowel), and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

In the past, it was recommended that anyone between the ages of 50 and 75 undergo regular screening colonoscopy. The American Cancer Society recently lowered that recommendation to 45 because of rising rates of colon cancer in people under 50.

If you have an average risk of colon cancer or no family history, the ACS recommends:

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If you’re at high risk, the ACS recommends that screenings may need to start before age 45 and may require more frequent screenings or get more in-depth tests. I will talk about some of the tests I use in functional medicine later.

A high-risk person is someone with a family or personal history of colon cancer or a history of IBD or Crohn’s disease. You should talk to your doctor if you are at high risk.

Preparation was the most challenging part for many people and for me. Everyone I talked to when preparing for my first routine colonoscopy told me that preparation was the hardest part.

An important way to ensure a successful colonoscopy is to empty the contents of your bowel. If you don’t prepare, polyps and lesions may be missed during the colonoscopy procedure, or it may take longer.

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I started eating a low-fiber diet a few days ago, which means I can’t eat whole grains, nuts, seeds, dried fruit, or raw fruits and vegetables. Note: I don’t eat whole grains because they contain gluten, which is highly inflammatory for many people. If you follow an autoimmune diet (AIP), seeds and nuts are not allowed.

The day before my colonoscopy, I was on a complete liquid diet of bone broth collagen, roaring peach water, and flow alkaline spring water, to which I added collagen protein. I was also prescribed the Suprep® Bowel Prep Kit by my doctor.

Collagen helps rebuild your gut lining and supports the digestive process. If you are preparing for a colonoscopy, I recommend supplementing with collagen protein.

My first meal after my colonoscopy was gluten-free almond crackers and gluten-free pumpkin bread because these foods are easier to digest. I also took acetyl-glutathione to detox my body and got off the propofol used to put me to sleep for the procedure. Glutathione is a supercharged boost to your body’s most powerful detoxifier.

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Now you know when to get a colonoscopy and how to prepare for them. Let’s discuss what they are looking for – colon polyps.

Colon polyps are small clumps of cells that form along the lining of the colon. Most of these polyps are harmless and will go away on their own. However, some polyps turn into colon cancer. Anyone can develop colon polyps. However, you are at higher risk after age 50, are overweight or smoke, or have a personal or family history of colon cancer.

As I said, they can be safely and completely removed if caught early. I will talk about making your bowels less prone to colon polyps and slightly reducing your risk of developing colon polyps. Let’s talk about what causes colon polyps.

Earlier I mentioned that age, family history, and lifestyle increase the risk of developing colon polyps. Other risk factors include smoking and excessive alcohol use, obesity, or a sedentary lifestyle.

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There are two types of polyps: non-neoplastic polyps and neoplastic polyps. Cancer is more likely to occur in neoplastic polyps. Non-neoplastic polyps are unlikely to become cancerous. The three types of non-neoplastic polyps are:

Inflammatory polyps often appear in people with inflammatory bowel disease, while hyperplastic polyps develop where the body repairs damaged tissue.

Diet is a big factor in your increased risk of developing colon polyps. Fatty foods, highly processed foods, and processed meats such as deli meats, hot dogs, bacon, and sausages can make your colon a breeding ground for polyps. I will tell you about a functional medicine approach to preventing colon polyps.

In functional medicine, we want to get to the root cause of the development of polyps. It starts within your gut microbiome.

How Frequently Should A Colonoscopy Be Performed?

A healthy gut microbiome has a balance of beneficial and harmful bacteria. Each strain of bacteria affects different parts of the body and can influence a variety of factors such as weight, cognitive function, immune health, and a host of other functions. However, “bad” bacteria can outnumber “good” bacteria due to leaks, infections, stress, poor diet, and environmental toxins.

A leaky gut allows bacteria and toxins to spread throughout your body, causing a variety of health problems. For example, leaky gut can lead to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.

A leak can cause an imbalance or “dysbiosis” in your gut, negatively affecting the good bacteria that naturally reside there and affecting your overall health since 80% of your immune system resides in your gut.

The first step to preventing colon polyps is to heal your gut by providing it with the nutrients it needs. Leaky Gut Revive® supports a healthy gut microbiome by preventing and healing leaks. It provides an excellent source of L-glutamine to nourish your gut cells, aloe extract to help restore your gut mucosal lining, licorice extract to soothe the stomach and intestinal lining, and larch arabinogalactan to promote healthy microflora in your gut microbiome.

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Leaky Gut Revive® is my number 1 tool for repairing leaks. Once you’ve addressed your leak, the next step is to create a living environment for polyps to grow. Let me tell you how to do it.

To increase the balance of bacteria in your gut microbiome, your microbiome needs a postbiotic called butyrate. You’ve probably heard me talk about the importance of taking probiotics and prebiotics daily.

To review, probiotics are live microorganisms that can work in your gut to support your body in many ways. They can be found in dietary supplements and fermented foods, as well as within your body’s natural microbiome.

Prebiotics are dietary fibers from carbohydrates that bypass digestion and enter your colon. Once in your colon, microbes metabolize and ferment prebiotics to survive, creating various byproducts to support your gut health.

Do I Still Need A Colonoscopy?

Postbiotics, such as butyrate, are naturally produced when probiotics feed on prebiotics. Butyrate is a short-chain fatty acid that controls inflammation, provides energy to your cells that make up your gut lining, and balances your gut microbiome. Butyrate also ties up a leaky gut and can help you lose weight.

If prebiotics form butyrate when probiotics are fed, it makes sense to combine probiotics and prebiotics. A high fiber diet is essential to promote a healthy bowel structure and colon health.

I created Prebiotic Fiber Complete™ to include multiple types of fiber and specific prebiotics to help you achieve optimal digestive health, including Fibriss™ and Inulin. I also included Fibregum™ when creating Prebiotic Fiber Complete™ to feed more beneficial strains of bacteria in your digestive tract, improve digestion and strengthen your body’s natural immune response.

Prebiotic Fiber Complete™ is a doctor-formulated fiber blend that gives the good bacteria in your gut the strength it needs to fight harmful bacterial overgrowth. When you add a prebiotic to a daily probiotic, you give your gut a strong army for optimal digestive health!

Colorectal Cancer Tests Save Lives

Probiotic supplements are sold in different strengths called CFUs (colony-forming units). CFU tells you how many bacteria are inside that particular probiotic. When looking for the best probiotic, consider the number of CFU.

Probiotic capsules 100 billion are designed for maximum support. You won’t see many products on your local store shelves that have this capacity level and don’t require refrigeration. Probiotic capsules 30 billion are available for those who cannot tolerate high levels of probiotics and provide an excellent maintenance dose.

Because SIBO is a bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine that is often caused by chronic constipation or challenges.

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