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Water Leakage Specialists

Water leakage can cause significant damage to buildings and property. Understanding the science behind water leakage is crucial to identifying the source of the problem and providing a lasting solution. Water leakage specialists in Singapore have the necessary expertise and equipment to address water leakage issues effectively. This article will explore the science behind water leakage, the common causes of water leakage, and how water leakage specialists in Singapore can help address water leakage problems.

The Science Behind Water Leakage

Water leakage occurs when water penetrates a building through cracks or openings in the walls, ceilings, floors, or roof. Water …

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Metal Roof Thermal Expansion Noise

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Metal Roof

When considering a metal roof system, concerns about the noise associated with thermal expansion and contraction may arise. However, it’s important to understand that all roofs, regardless of material, undergo expansion and contraction due to atmospheric and climate changes.

Understanding Thermal Expansion/Contraction

Atoms in all materials are in constant motion, a concept we learned in science class. Heat increases the excitement and movement of atoms, causing materials to expand. Conversely, cold temperatures reduce atomic excitement, resulting in contraction. This phenomenon applies to metal roofs, leading to the occurrence of sounds such as pings, dings, clicks, and pops.

Metal Roof Thermal

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What to Do When a Pipe Bursts

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1 Min Read

Water Leak

During cold winter spells, water pipes can become clogged with ice, which can lead to increased pressure and eventually cause the pipe to burst. Taking immediate action is crucial, as a burst pipe can result in damages exceeding $5,000. Follow these steps to minimize the potential damage:

Act Swiftly by Shutting off the Water Supply

If a pipe bursts, it can cause significant flooding in your home. To prevent further water flow, locate and close the main water supply valve. Additionally, keep the faucets open to drain the pipes and release any built-up pressure. Consider flushing all toilets as well.

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