How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Without An Exterminator – If you are concerned that you may have bed bugs in your home, your first question will probably be something like this:

You have two main options when it comes to getting rid of these troublesome little insects from your home: heat treatment and chemical treatment.

How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Without An Exterminator

In this guide, we’ll look at the pros and cons of both solutions. You will also get all the basic knowledge you need to make sure you can be bed bug free as quickly and efficiently as possible.

How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs In A Mattress

First, to help you put your treatment options in context, you should know a little about bedbug occurrence, their life cycle, and why infestations are so difficult to control.

Fifty years ago bed bugs were almost completely eradicated. However, there has been a sharp resurgence since the 1980s. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, this was partly because bedbugs have become resistant to certain pesticides, and also because transmission rates have increased as a result of international and domestic travel.

Today, many pest control experts consider bed bugs to be the biggest infestation problem in the United States. We can confirm this because we serve Ohio which is home to some of the worst bedbug infested cities like Cincinnati which always makes it to

Bed bugs are extremely sneaky. They are small and have a survival instinct to hide in tight, hard-to-reach crevices. They are able to nest in areas barely thicker than the width of a fingernail and can stay there out of sight for months between feeding sessions.

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These factors make bedbugs both hard to find and hard to eliminate, even if you know where they are.

Adult female bed bugs lay five to a dozen eggs a day. She will lay up to 500 eggs in her lifetime. As such, the bedbug colony will grow very quickly. But that’s only part of the problem. Their movement patterns make it even worse.

The female is programmed to retreat from other bedbugs before laying eggs. This means bed bugs tend to migrate quickly from room to room. A small colony in one bedroom can quickly become a scourge throughout the home.

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Now that you know how bed bugs work and why they are such a challenge in fighting infestations, let’s compare the treatment options available.

Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Guaranteed

Heat treatment involves raising the temperature in your home to the point where it will kill the bed bugs. A pest control specialist will place specialized heaters throughout your home, gradually raising the temperature to over 130 degrees Fahrenheit. Strategically placed fans circulate hot air, effectively turning bedbug-infested rooms into a convection oven.

A bed bug will die within an hour or two if exposed to temperatures ranging from 110 to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. They will die immediately when the temperature rises above this level. That’s the temperature we’re talking about.

Heat treatment is a great option. It is fast, discreet and can reach areas of invasion that are difficult to reach with chemical means. However, you will need a prevention strategy. One great option to consider is the use of heat in conjunction with chemical treatments around the boundaries of your home.

This has the benefit of minimizing the amount of chemicals in your home while creating a chemical barrier residue where it is most useful.

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Chemical treatment involves the introduction of chemicals throughout the home. Typically, a pest control expert uses three types of chemicals: a contact insecticide to kill readily available bedbugs quickly, a residual (long-lasting) chemical to kill bedbugs continuously, and dust for longer-lasting protection in cracks and crevices in and around infested rooms.

The effectiveness of chemical treatments depends on reaching the bed bugs. Unlike heat, chemical treatment is site-specific. Therefore, treatment is usually done over multiple visits to ensure no bed bugs are overlooked.

The big advantage of chemical treatments for many customers is that they provide long-term protection against bedbug infestations.

The downside is that it usually requires multiple applications, and some people may not be comfortable with chemical residue in the home. It’s also important to remember that for the treatment to be effective, you must thoroughly prepare your home so that the chemicals can reach the targeted areas.

How To Kill Bed Bugs

Of course, whether you opt for heat or chemical treatment will depend on all the factors we’ve covered in this guide. Some are drawn to the single-treatment convenience of heat, while others find the long-term protection from chemical treatments to be worth the potential downsides of having leftover chemicals at home.

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All in all, we recommend heat treatment to the vast majority of our customers (our customers love this option because they don’t have to get rid of their furniture because of bed bugs). It is fast, discreet and seems to be the best way to counter the natural insidiousness and resistance of bed bugs. With years of experience in fighting bed bugs, heat treatment wins every time. We constantly receive calls from people whose homes have been chemically treated only for bedbugs to reappear weeks or months later.

And of course, if you want a preventative treatment, you can always use chemicals to create a barrier around the boundaries of your home while relying on warmth to deal with the current infestation. It can offer the best of both worlds.

If you have more questions, just talk to us! We are experts in dealing with bed bug infestations and can help you choose the right treatment strategy for your unique situation.

Common Causes Of Bed Bug Infestations Plus Treatment & Prevention

Integrity Pest Solutions is a leading pest control company in Columbus, Ohio. Art, the owner of the business, has performed over 12,000 thermal treatments for bed bugs in one of the top states where bed bugs have taken over. Watch: Fourth of July Recipes from America’s favorite chefs including Matt Abdoo, Jet Til, Alex Guarnaschelli and more

Bed bug infestations can occur anywhere – in movie theaters, hotels, office buildings, shops and even in your own home. You can suspect an infestation if you experience mysterious bites on your body, find feces or droplets of blood on your sheets, or even see a live bug crawling on your belongings.

If this happens, the first step is probably the hardest: don’t panic! The second step is to know the facts. Treating infestations at home requires thoughtful preparation and, in most cases, patience. Bedbug infestations cannot be cured overnight.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a room or home should be thoroughly inspected before taking further action to locate a breeding site, find evidence if possible, and verify that the insect is indeed a bedbug.

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Bed bugs are brown, six-legged insects with a distinctly round shape. If you suspect you have found a bedbug in your home, put it in a plastic bag to show it to your local exterminator. Getty Images

No matter what chemical, anti-fungal, or thermal treatments your local exterminator recommends, it’s important to treat the space with powerful sprays and expert-operated steam devices. In some cases, the exterminator may also recommend calling a dog detection service that trains dogs to look for bedbug infestations based on scent.

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It is important that you continue to sleep in the same room rather than moving to a different bed or sofa as bed bugs will follow you to other parts of the house.

“Professionals understand the biology of the beast,” said Home Nina Jenkins, a senior research fellow in Penn State University’s department of entomology. “People think that (bed bugs) are really hard to control, but it’s really about understanding everything about pests and having access to the right chemicals.”

Ways To Get Rid Of Bed Bugsin Mattress

Removing and treating bedding at high temperatures is critical, followed by wrapping the mattress with bedbug guards. Getty Images

Your pest control specialist will brief you on all the necessary prep work before he takes care of your home, which will include packing any items removed from an infested space in plastic bags, covering mattresses with bedbug covers, and washing bed linen and other upholstery at a high temperature.

Patience is key in this phase as it can take up to three rounds of chemo treatment to eliminate the colony. It’s also important that you continue to sleep in the same room rather than moving to a different bed or sofa, as bed bugs will follow you to other parts of the house if it means they can continue feeding.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to treat bed bugs with home remedies on your own. After detecting an infestation, many people rush to the home improvement store and buy aerosol preparations, similar to ant killer or roach spray. While these products can indeed kill a bed bug, you must find and spray the pesky pest directly for it to be effective.

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“If you’re able to spray it directly, it can almost always die,” Jenkins said. However, due to the nocturnal, stealthy nature of the bedbug, it is difficult to find and target in this way. Moreover, these chemical formulas are usually

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