Why Is Too Much Sleep Bad For You – Sleeping in general has numerous health benefits, but overdoing it comes with health risks and may indicate an underlying condition.

If you regularly sleep more than nine hours a night (and still wake up tired), you may have another health problem.Sally Anscombe/Stocksy

Why Is Too Much Sleep Bad For You

There is no doubt that we need sleep. According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, it is crucial to our mental and physical health, quality of life and overall safety. Sleeping well not only leaves you feeling refreshed and ready for the day, it also improves learning, helps the heart and blood vessels to repair themselves, promotes a healthy balance of hunger hormones and supports the immune system.

Here Are The Signs You’re Getting Too Much Sleep

For most people, seven to nine hours of sleep per night is enough, although your age, activity level and health can shift that goal either way, according to the Sleep Foundation.

Many can also be cause for concern. The Sleep Foundation defines oversleeping as sleeping more than nine hours in a 24-hour period.

You’ve probably done that before when you’re recovering from a stressful week at work or a busy travel weekend or when your body was down with a cold. In those cases, oversleeping is normal, says Safia Khan, MD, a sleep disorder specialist and an assistant professor in the division of family and community medicine and the division of neurology at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.

“When you wake up just late to catch up on your sleep, it’s called recovery sleep,” says Dr. Khan. “But if you usually do that and you sleep more than eight or nine hours a day, that would be overslept.”

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Oversleeping usually indicates something else is going on, such as an underlying sleep disorder or another medical condition. “Oversleeping is more of a symptom than a diagnosis,” says Khan.

“The most common causes we look at when someone says they sleep more than nine hours a night is whether it’s a drug effect or a medical, psychiatric, or neurological condition,” says Ulysses Magalang, MD, the director of sleep disorders. program at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus. “If that’s not the reason, it could be a sleep disorder.”

According to the Sleep Foundation and Johns Hopkins Medicine, oversleeping most often occurs with the following underlying health conditions:

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For example, a study published in December 2018 in the European Heart Journal found that sleeping more than six to eight hours per day (including naps) was linked to a higher risk of death from heart disease, according to survey data of more than 116,632 adults from 21 countries.

Too Much Sleep Archives

How common is oversleeping? According to research published in Annals of Neurology, 8.4 percent of the nearly 20,000 participants reported oversleeping (sleeping nine or more hours a day). People with a mood disorder were three to 12 times more likely to oversleep and two to four times more likely to report a poor quality of life compared to those who slept less.

Khan says oversleeping can also be attributed to hypersomnia (or excessive daytime sleepiness), delayed sleep phase syndrome, an abnormal hormone balance, Parkinson’s or dementia.

While regularly sleeping more than nine hours a night is a red flag, it’s not the only sign to watch out for. And sleeping more than nine hours a night isn’t always cause for concern.

Some people naturally need more sleep than others. “About 2 percent of the population are ‘long sleepers’ who regularly need between 10 and 12 hours of sleep per night,” says Shanon Makekau, MD, the chief of lung diseases and the director of sleep medicine at Kaiser Permanente in Honolulu.

Is Too Much Sleep Bad For You, What Causes It And What’s The Right Amount For Adults?

For these people, oversleeping is normal. “Trying to impose a typical seven to nine hour sleep schedule on such people can be harmful and actually result in sleep deprivation,” says Dr. Makkau. If you regularly sleep more than nine hours a night, but wake up refreshed and rested, you’re probably a long sleeper.

If you don’t feel refreshed when you wake up after enough hours of sawing logs, there may be a problem. Khan says oversleeping is generally accompanied by symptoms of fatigue during the day, including dizziness, headaches, decreased energy and mood swings.

“While consistently getting less than the recommended amount of sleep is associated with multiple adverse health outcomes, regularly sleeping more than nine hours a night can also be harmful,” says Makekau.

If you’re still oversleeping regularly after making these changes, make an appointment with your primary care physician. Dr. Magalang says doctors typically use a process of elimination to rule out conditions to determine the underlying problem.

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Your doctor will likely start by performing a physical exam, reviewing medications that may affect sleep, and discussing further tests, including blood tests, Makekau says.

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He or she will want to know details about your sleeping habits. Khan suggests keeping a sleep diary at least two weeks before the appointment and recording how much you sleep and the quality of that sleep.

Then he or she may refer you to a sleep clinic or suggest you get a sleep study, Khan says. A sleep study can help rule out sleep disorders, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine.

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How Much Sleep Do You Really Need?

If you experience sleepy eyes or lethargy throughout the day, even after getting enough sleep, it’s not a good sign. On the other hand, sleep, which also works to restore energy, also sometimes gives you illnesses.

Back Pain – Sleeping long is the enemy of your waistline. Blood circulation is affected by sleeping at the waist. This causes back pain and stiffness.

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Depression – Depression is also the cause of excessive sleepiness or lethargy. If you have a habit of sleeping too much, you are creating depression yourself. Sleeping for a long time reduces the levels of dopamine and serotonin hormones in the brain, making you feel depressed.

Sleeping too much will have a bad effect on the heart and memory, both will become weak because physical and mental exercise does not happen. The effect is visible in the long term.

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Too much or too little sleep both cause obesity. Sleeping too much does not burn calories and leads to obesity. Insomnia is when you experience disturbances in how you feel or function because you are not sleeping well or getting enough sleep. About 10% of the world’s population experiences insomnia that qualifies as a medical condition. It’s usually not dangerous and there are many ways — including medications and mental health options — to treat it.

Insomnia is when you have trouble sleeping. Over time, the effects can progress and become severe. Some effects become dangerous when insomnia is severe or prolonged.

Insomnia is when you don’t sleep the way you should. That could mean you’re not getting enough sleep, not sleeping well, or having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. For some people, insomnia is a minor inconvenience. For others, insomnia can be a major disruption. The reasons why insomnia occurs can vary just as much.

Your body needs sleep for many reasons (and science is still unlocking an understanding of why sleep is so important to your body). Experts do know that not getting enough sleep can cause sleep deprivation, which is usually (at the very least) unpleasant and keeps you from functioning at your best.

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Sleep habits and needs can be very different from person to person. Because of these variations, experts consider a wide range of sleep characteristics to be “normal.” Some examples of this are:

Both the acute and the chronic form

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