Is It Bad To Drink Too Much Water At Once

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Is It Bad To Drink Too Much Water At Once

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Does Drinking Water Lower Blood Pressure?

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Water is vital to the human body, and it should be a priority for anyone who wants to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You can, however, take your quest for irrigation too far.

Drinking too much water can cause side effects that range from mildly irritating to life-threatening – and overhydration can lead to an imbalance of electrolytes in the body.

Electrolytes like potassium, sodium, and magnesium help regulate everything from your kidneys to the function of your heart. If you drink too much water, your body may not have enough of these electrolytes to keep it working properly.

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Keep in mind that while some of the symptoms below may be attributed to overhydration, they may also be the result of other illnesses or medical issues. When in doubt, talk to your doctor.

Some experts believe that many people meet their daily water needs by simply letting their thirst tell them when to drink.

So if you’re chugging water even when you’re not thirsty, you could be drinking more than your body needs.

Although it is important to increase your water intake if you are involved in strenuous physical activity or outside in hot weather, let your natural thirst be your guide in most conditions.

What Happens If I Drink Too Much Water?

You probably know that dark colored urine can be a sign of dehydration, but that doesn’t mean you should aim for clear urine.

Colorless urine, on the other hand, could mean you are over-hydrated and need to reduce your water intake.

According to WebMD, drinking too much water can cause sodium levels in your blood to drop, which can cause headaches and nausea.

If you feel confused and disoriented after drinking a lot of water, you may want to seek medical attention. iStock/Getty Images Plus

How Many Bottles Of Water Should You Drink In A Day?

If you find yourself urinating more often than that and having to wake up at night to use the bathroom, you may be drinking too much water.

Other conditions such as urinary tract infections, diabetes, prostate problems, and pelvic floor weakness can also cause frequent urination, so talk to your doctor if you notice that you are looking more than the usual

According to the MSD Manual, drinking too much water can lead to low sodium levels in the blood. This can cause the body’s cells to swell and retain fluid.

In some cases, the cells in the tissues of the face or the extremities will feel or look puffy if you have been drinking too much water.

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Drinking too much water can cause muscle weakness, spasms, or cramps, according to the Mayo Clinic. These symptoms may occur when the sodium in your blood becomes weak.

If you notice tremors or pain in your arms and legs that don’t seem to be related to physical exercise, it could be a sign that you’re over-hydrated and lacking vital electrolytes.

If your pain or muscle weakness continues even after you reduce your water, it is worth talking to a doctor.

According to the Mayo Clinic, drinking too much water can cause loss of energy, sleepiness, or a constant feeling of fatigue due to creating an electrolyte imbalance within the body.

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One symptom of overhydration or water alcoholism is feeling confused or confused. This is related to falling levels of electrolytes, such as sodium, in the body.

In extreme situations, drinking too much water and reducing the sodium level in your blood can cause your brain to become dangerously slow.

If you begin to experience symptoms, such as confusion, seizures, or loss of consciousness, you may want to seek immediate medical attention.

During the steamy summer months, much attention is focused on dehydration and making sure we stop it by drinking enough water. However, although less common, overwatering can also cause health problems.

How Staying Hydrated Helps Prevent Sickness

Roberta Anding, RDN, a sports nutritionist at Rice University in Houston, puts it this way: “If I pull the wheel too hard to the left and end up in a ditch, I’m screwed. If I pull too hard to the right, I have too much water. None of these are suitable for performance.”

One consequence of drinking too much water, sometimes called water alcoholism, is hyponatremia. This condition occurs when the blood sodium level drops below 135 milliequivalents (mEg) per liter (L), per the Mayo Clinic. (The Mayo Clinic notes that a normal blood sodium level is 135 to 145 mEq/L.)

Excessive water consumption dilutes electrolytes in the blood, such as sodium, says Mitchell Rosner, MD, a nephrologist with the department of medicine at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. When the sodium level drops too quickly, fluid moves out of the bloodstream and into tissue cells, which causes those cells to expand. In extreme cases, Dr. Rosner says, your brain can’t handle that much inflammation, leading to neurological issues or even death.

Hyponatremia is the most common electrolyte disorder, according to research published in August 2016 in the American Journal of Medicine. It’s especially common among endurance athletes who drink lots of water before, during, and after exercise: One previous study suggested that 13 percent of participants in the 2002 Boston Marathon experienced hyponatremia.

Signs Your Body Is Telling You You’re Drinking Too Much

The situation has also occurred at competitions in which people were expected to drink a lot of water. (In 2007, for example, a 28-year-old woman died of water intoxication after a water drinking contest at a California radio station.)

Hyponatremia also often affects people with severe mental illness, such as schizophrenia, who feel compelled to drink a lot of water, says Chris McStay, MD, associate professor of medicine. emergency at the University of Colorado at Aurora.

“The most common thing is, in the summer when people are asked to drink a lot, they may take it a little too far,” Dr. McStay says. “If you’re drinking 2, 3, or 4 liters an hour, and you don’t lose a ton by sweating, you basically start to exceed what the body can produce . And that’s when you get in trouble.”

According to the Mayo Clinic, other possible causes of hyponatremia (which can occur in varying degrees, from mild to severe, and have different onset times, from slow to rapid) are include:

Wondering Just How Much Water Should You Drink A Day?

The US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine recommend drinking 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluid per day for men and 11.5 cups per day (2.7 liters) for women in you

The exact amount of water you need each day depends on factors such as your age, gender, activity level, and how hot it is outside. But one easy way to find out how much you need to drink is in your own body, Rosner says.

“Thirst is an evolutionarily conserved mechanism to ensure that we drink enough fluids but not too much,” he explains. “What I tell people is to get a sense of your thirst. Drink until you’re thirsty, but don’t drink more than that. And if you do that, you’ll be fine.”

Weighing yourself daily can help you determine if you’re drinking too much water, Anding says. If you’re worried about dehydration — say, if you have plans to work outside, and you know you’ll be drinking a lot of water — weigh yourself at the start of the day. If you’ve gained 10 or more pounds by the end of the day, she says, it’s a good time to ask yourself: Is this hyponatremia? (But again, hyponatremia is not a common occurrence, so these weights make the most sense for people in extreme situations, such as running a marathon or participating in military training. )

How Much Water Should You Drink?

Anding recommends writing down any symptoms you’re experiencing, such as nausea or headaches, and then contacting your doctor. “What you’re doing is collecting your own data,” she says. “Then you can tell your doctor, ‘I was out working in the yard, and I gained 10 pounds because I was drinking water all afternoon.'” Your doctor may help you get a find out if you need to go to the emergency room, she says.

Hyponatremia can lead to seizures, coma, and severe neurological symptoms, including brain damage. Dying from drinking too much water is rare, but as mentioned, it has happened.

“When sodium [levels] get really low – I’m talking 100 mEq/L or a number that’s very different from the normal range – you can die, because your brain goes up so much big,” McStay

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