Best Options For Home Equity Loan – If you own a home and are at least 62 years old, you may be able to convert your home equity into cash to pay for living expenses, health care costs, home remodeling, or anything else you need. This option is a reverse mortgage. However, homeowners do have other options, including home equity loans and home equity lines of credit (HELOCs).

All three allow you to take advantage of your home equity without having to sell or move out of your home. However, these are different loan products, and it helps to understand your options so you can decide which one is best for you.

Best Options For Home Equity Loan

A reverse mortgage works differently than a forward mortgage – instead of making payments to the lender, the lender makes payments to you based on a percentage of your home’s value. Over time, your debt increases — as payments are made to you and interest accrues — and your equity decreases as the lender buys more and more of it.

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You continue to retain ownership of your home, but once you leave the home for more than a year (even if it’s an involuntary hospital or nursing home stay), sell it, or it dies—or you become delinquent on your estate taxes or insurance or the home falls into disrepair— The loan becomes due. The lender sells the home to recover the money that was paid to you (plus fees). Any money left in the house goes to you or your heirs.

Carefully study the types of reverse mortgages and make sure you choose the one that best suits your needs. Check the fine print – with the help of a lawyer or tax advisor – before signing on. Reverse mortgage scams seeking to steal your home often target seniors. The FBI recommends that you do not respond to unsolicited ads, be suspicious of people who claim they can give you a free home, and not accept payments from individuals for a home you did not purchase.

Note that if both spouses have their names on the mortgage, the bank cannot sell the home until the surviving spouse dies—or the aforementioned tax, repair, insurance, moving, or home sale situations occur. Couples should investigate the surviving spouse’s case carefully before agreeing to a reverse mortgage.

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There can be other drawbacks, too, including higher closing costs and the possibility that your children may not inherit the family home if they can’t pay off the loan. The interest charged on a reverse mortgage generally accrues until the mortgage is terminated.

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Discrimination in mortgage lending is illegal. If you believe you have been discriminated against based on race, religion, gender, marital status, use of public assistance, national origin, disability or age, there are steps you can take. One of these steps is to file a report with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau or with the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Like a reverse mortgage, an equity loan allows you to convert your home equity into cash. It works in the same way as a primary mortgage – in fact, a home equity loan is also called a second mortgage. You receive the loan as a one-time down payment and make regular payments of principal and interest, which is usually a fixed rate. Unlike a reverse mortgage, you don’t have to be 62 to get one, and you do have to start making payments on the loan soon after you get it.

With a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC), you have the option to borrow up to an approved line of credit on an as-needed basis. In this respect, HELOC works like a credit card.

With a standard home equity loan, you pay interest on the entire loan amount, but with a HELOC, you only pay interest on the money you actually withdraw.

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A home equity loan’s fixed interest rate means you always know what your payments will be, while a variable rate on a HELOC means the repayment amount varies.

Currently, the interest you pay on home equity loans and HELOCs are not tax deductible unless you use the money for home renovations or similar activities in the dwelling that secures the loans. Prior to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, interest on home equity debt was fully or partially tax deductible. Note that this change is for tax years 2018 to 2025.

In addition – and this is an important reason for making this choice – with a home equity loan and HELOC, your home remains an asset to you and your heirs. However, it is important to note that your home acts as security, so you risk losing your home to foreclosure if you default on the loan.

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Reverse mortgages, home equity loans, and HELOCs allow you to convert your home equity into cash. However, they differ in terms of payments and repayments, as well as requirements, such as age, equity, credit, and income. Based on these factors, here are the main differences between the three types of loans.

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Reverse mortgages, home equity loans, and HELOCs allow you to convert your home equity into cash. So how do you decide which type of loan is right for you?

In general, a reverse mortgage is a better option if you are looking for a long-term source of income and don’t mind your home not being part of your estate. However, if you are married, make sure the surviving spouse’s rights are clear.

Either a home equity loan or a HELOC is a better option if you need short-term cash, will be able to make monthly payments, and would prefer to keep your home for your heirs. Both have significant risks along with their benefits, so review the options thoroughly before taking any action.

HELOCs and home equity loans often have lower or no fees and less or no closing costs when compared to reverse mortgages. Reverse mortgages have mandatory counseling sessions and usually have much higher closing costs than traditional mortgages.

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It will take longer to process a reverse mortgage with mandatory counseling sessions, closing disclosures, etc. A HELOC will generally process a bit faster than a home equity loan, with many lenders advertising closing times of less than 10 days. By comparison, most home equity loan lenders advertise processing times from two to six weeks.

A home equity loan and a HELOC both have credit and income requirements to be approved. Reverse mortgages do not require approval for good credit, but you will have to prove your ability to maintain the property and pay taxes and insurance bills. If you can’t prove it enough to get approved for a standard reverse mortgage, you may be able to get a single-purpose reverse mortgage through a local nonprofit or government agency.

Reverse mortgages, HELOCs, and home equity loans all have their place. If you need cash temporarily, have the income and credit to get approved, and are looking to leave your home to your heirs, a home equity loan or HELOC may be a better option for you. If you’re already retired and need to supplement your income, aren’t ready to downsize, and don’t want to leave your home to your heirs, a reverse mortgage may be the best option for you.

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The Best Home Equity Loans Of 2023

The offers that appear in this table are from the companies of people you are getting compensated from. This compensation may affect how and where the listings appear. It does not include all offers available in the market.

By clicking “Accept all cookies”, you consent to our storing cookies on your device to improve site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist with our marketing efforts. , or second mortgage – is a type of consumer debt. Home equity loans allow homeowners to borrow against the equity in their homes. The loan amount is based on the difference between the home’s current market value and the homeowner’s mortgage balance. Home equity loans tend to have a fixed rate of interest, while the typical alternative, home equity lines of credit (HELOCs), generally have variable rates.

Basically, a home equity loan is similar to a mortgage, hence the name second mortgage. Equity in the home serves as security for the lender. The amount a homeowner is allowed to borrow will depend in part on a combined loan-to-value (CLTV) ratio of 80% to 90% of the home’s appraised value. Of course, the amount of the loan and the interest rate charged also depends on the borrower’s credit score and payment history.

Discrimination in mortgage lending is illegal. If you believe you have been discriminated against based on race, religion, gender, marital status, use of public assistance, national origin, disability or age, there are steps you can take. One of these steps is to file a report with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau or the US Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Home Equity Loan Vs. Heloc: What’s The Difference?

Traditional home equity loans have a set repayment period

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