What Is Used To Treat Viral Infections – Bacterial infections are diseases that can affect your skin, lungs, brain, blood, and other parts of your body. You get them from single-celled organisms that reproduce or release toxins in your body. Common bacterial illnesses include UTIs, food poisoning, STIs, and some skin, sinus, and ear infections. They are often treated with antibiotics.

Bacterial infections can spread between people, in airborne particles, through bug bites, or through contaminated food, water, or surfaces.

What Is Used To Treat Viral Infections

Bacterial infections are any disease or condition caused by the growth of bacteria or poisons (toxins). You can get sick by ingesting harmful bacteria in your skin, intestines (GI tract), lungs, heart, brain, blood, or anywhere else in your body.

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Harmful bacteria from the environment, an infected person or animal, a fly bite, or something contaminated (such as food, water, or surfaces) can cause an infection. Bacteria that aren’t usually harmful but get into your body wherever they are can also cause infections.

Bacteria are living things with only one cell that can multiply rapidly. Millions of bacteria live all around us – in the soil or water and on surfaces in our homes and workplaces. Even millions of bacteria live on your skin and inside your body.

Most bacteria are not harmful and many are even beneficial. They can help with digestion and destroy other harmful forms of bacteria that try to invade your body. But even helpers can hurt you if they grow up where they shouldn’t be.

Living, single-celled organisms that can reproduce themselves cause bacterial infections. Only a few types of bacteria cause disease in humans.

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An organism that does not consist of cells causes viral infections. Viruses always need to infect humans or other living things to make more copies of themselves.

Bacteria can cause many types of infections, depending on how you’re exposed and which part of your body it infects. Some common types of bacterial infections include:

There are many bacterial infections that are usually not serious or easily treated with antibiotics. Impetigo and boils are examples of this. However, any bacterial infection that gets deep into your body, such as the blood, heart, lungs, or brain, can be life-threatening.

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Bacterial infections can be spread through airborne droplets or dust, direct or indirect contact, a vector (such as a tick or mosquito), or contaminated food or water (vehicles).

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You can get bacterial infections through the air from contaminated dust or droplets of water or mucus (such as phlegm or dirt). Legionnaires’ disease, whooping cough (whooping cough), tuberculosis, meningococcal disease, and strep throat are spread this way.

You can get bacterial infections by direct contact with infected skin or mucous membranes, or by indirect contact with contaminated surfaces. Bacterial diseases that you get through contact include skin infections and some sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as gonorrhea and chlamydia.

Infections you get from bugs (such as mosquitoes, ticks, or fleas) are called vector-borne. You can get Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease, and shigellosis through vectors.

Although it sounds like something you get from your car, “vehicle” usually means you’re sick from water or food (transmission “vehicle”). You can get intestinal (gastrointestinal) infections

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Anyone can get a bacterial illness and most of us will at some point in our lives. You are at higher risk of getting an infection if you have:

Bacteria can harm your body by multiplying or by releasing poisons (toxins) that damage your cells. Infections that only affect the surface of the skin or mucous membranes (such as the throat or intestines) are usually not serious, but sometimes the bacteria can spread throughout your body and cause life-threatening illnesses. If the bacteria gets into your bloodstream, it can cause sepsis, a reaction to infection that causes organ damage, which is sometimes fatal.

Symptoms of bacterial infections vary depending on where your body is infected. The main symptom is often fever, in addition to skin infections, which usually cause redness or pain in the skin. Common symptoms of a bacterial infection include:

Burning or pain when urinating, discharge from the penis or vagina, the need to urinate, painful intercourse.

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Many types of bacteria cause infection. You usually get bacterial infections when bacteria enter your body through your mouth, nose, eyes, or a cut in your skin. Sometimes, bacteria that normally live on your skin or in your body end up in places they shouldn’t be (such as through an injury) and multiply.

Yes, many bacterial infections are spread from person to person, including whooping cough, tuberculosis, strep throat, meningococcal disease, bacterial STIs, and MRSA. Food-borne, mosquito- or tick-borne infections are usually not contagious.

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A healthcare provider diagnoses a bacterial infection by listening to your symptoms, doing an exam (listening to your heart and lungs, feeling your abdomen, looking at your skin), and taking samples to test for bacteria.

If they think you have bacteria in your lungs, brain, or other internal organs, they may order X-rays, ultrasounds, MRIs, or CT scans to look for signs of infection.

Prevention And Treatment Of Viral Infections

Your provider may send samples of body fluid or tissue to a lab to look for signs of infection (antibodies or antigens). The lab technician may also try to culture bacteria from your samples. The types of samples they can receive include:

Not all bacterial infections require treatment – some go away on their own. When you need treatment, healthcare providers use antibiotics. Depending on where your infection is and how serious it is, antibiotics may be prescribed as follows:

Sometimes, some antibiotics stop working and don’t kill or slow down the bacteria (antibiotic resistance). Because of this, doctors and nurses are careful about when and how they prescribe antibiotics. They will only prescribe them if they think they will help you. It is important for you to take any medication as prescribed for the full course, even if you feel better.

What to expect depends on what type of bacterial infection you have. Less serious bacterial infections can be treated with medication at home. Others require a hospital stay and can cause long-term damage. Bacterial infections of internal organs or blood can be life-threatening.

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Bacterial infections in your body can cause serious complications. The most serious complication is sepsis, a life-threatening reaction to an infection that causes organ damage. Sepsis can be fatal.

If you are prescribed antibiotics for a bacterial infection, you will usually need to take them for a week or two, although you will probably feel better sooner. Take all your medications as prescribed or you may not get rid of all the bacteria.

Antibiotics usually treat bacterial infections. They sometimes go away on their own or can be treated without antibiotics, but it’s always best to consult a healthcare provider about the best way to treat them.

Contact your healthcare provider if you have symptoms of a bacterial infection, especially if you have had them for more than a few days. Be sure to contact your provider if you’ve been treated for an infection and your symptoms don’t improve or worsen.

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Go to the nearest ER or seek emergency medical care if you have signs of a serious infection, including:

Bacteria live all around us – and millions live in or on us. They help us digest nutrients, protect us from harmful invaders, and even help us cook delicious food. But, like puppies in a shoe factory, they can do a lot of damage if they’re somewhere they shouldn’t be. Bacterial infections can be a temporary inconvenience, but they can also turn into a life-threatening situation. Always check with your healthcare provider to make sure you know the best way to manage a bacterial infection.

Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not endorse Cleveland Clinic products or services. Politics Do you think a good dose of antibiotics will get rid of a cold or flu? Think again. Antibiotics, if prescribed and taken correctly, usually kill bacteria, but they are useless against viruses such as colds and flu.

Unlike bacteria, viruses usually require vaccination to prevent them or antiviral treatment. Often, the only way to treat a viral infection is to let the disease go.

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Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms that are everywhere – in the air, soil and water, plants and animals. Most bacteria – including those in our guts – are harmless. Some actually aid digestion and destroy disease-causing microbes, according to the Mayo Clinic, which notes that less than 1 percent of bacteria cause disease in humans.

Taking the prescribed course of antibiotics as directed by your doctor can kill the infection. Unfortunately, bacteria are adaptable, and overuse of antibiotics has helped create strains of bacteria that have become resistant to antibiotics.

Viruses are smaller than bacteria and cannot survive without a living host. A virus attaches to cells and usually programs them to reproduce. Also, unlike bacteria, most viruses cause disease.

Viral infections require either vaccination to prevent them in the first place—for example, polio or measles—or antiviral drugs to treat them.

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Antiviral drugs, which were mainly developed in response to AIDS

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