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How To Get Clients For Interior Design

Getting clients is the most important aspect of any design business – after all, if you don’t have clients you don’t have money and if you don’t have money you don’t have a business!

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But many designers find it difficult to get many clients. Some months may have a lot of activity – or occasionally a lot of activity – while other months may not.

In this post I share ideas on how to identify the clients you want to work with and ultimately get some of those clients through the door.

Many people (wrongly) think that if they try to attract everyone they will have more potential customers, but this cannot be further from the truth. Instead you run the risk of not really attracting anyone.

What you want to do is be as strong as you can about who you are trying to help and what you can do to help them.

How To Get More Clients For Your Interior Design Business

This means that every time you create a new product or service or post something on social media you are doing it with that person in mind.

You want your ideal customer to think ‘how can this person/business know you so well’. You want to know your ideal client even better than they know themselves.

If you’re not sure who your ideal client is, here are some questions to ask to get you started:

To help you identify your ideal client I’ve created a free worksheet for you. You can catch that below. This is the most important task to get right when running a business – and it’s a task you should continue to do even after you’ve been in business for a long time. So I hope these ideas and worksheet will help you in this.

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How Do Interior Designers Find Clients? — A Design Partnership

Too many people post for a few weeks on Instagram and wonder why no one is calling them to book a job.

Don’t wait for clients to come knocking on your door. Be busy and go out and find yourself. Here are some ideas:

Come to architects, property developers, joiners, builders, real estate agents and let them know about your business and what services you offer.

Make sure you position these people in a way that solves their problems. For example, many cabinet makers have customers who approach them for quotes on kitchens but don’t know what type of kitchen they want. Most joiners/cabinet makers hate design (and are not good at it!) – so sell yourself as someone who can help them solve this problem.

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Real estate agents may be interested in a service where you help potential buyers come up with ideas on how to renovate a property. Be creative here and remember that you will hear no from these people more often than you will hear yes. But if you want your business to grow and succeed don’t give up – move on to the next person and keep going until someone agrees.

If you want to learn the lead generation strategies that are working right now from the designers I work with I will teach you those in my short business course on lead generation. This course only takes a few hours and by the end of it you will have many strategies you can use to get more clients and win more work.

All in all, if you’re struggling to get clients you need to be creative about how you’re going to get work done. And you need to put yourself out there to do it….which brings me to my third idea.

Sometimes the reason we don’t have clients come to us is because we are too afraid to put ourselves out there and show people who we really are.

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You may post beautiful pictures on social media but they don’t let anyone know the real you.

Ultimately, people want to work with people they “know, love and trust” but you need to show up and be authentic so people know who you are, what you do and how you can do it. help them.

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This could take the form of posting behind the scenes on your Instagram stories, or revealing more about the stories you write on your Facebook and Instagram stories. If you stand up for something you might put other people off – that’s okay! They are not your people – but at the same time you will attract the people you want to be part of your community – and this is why we need to circle back to my first point – you need to know who your ideal client is and know who you are talking to!

Remember what your job is as a designer – you are there to solve problems. And you need to know what the problems are better than your clients know what they are – they will often be bad at explaining these.

Canva Templates For Interior Designers For Investment Guide, Onboarding Packet, Offboarding Packet. — Dakota Design Co

Basically you want to get inside the head of your target market – what’s bothering them? What keeps them up at night in regards to your niche? The more you understand their inner struggles and concerns the more you will seem to ‘get’ them completely when you finally go to sell them.

Your success as a designer and business owner will depend on how well you understand the problem, how well you can provide a solution to the problem and how well you communicate what you are doing along the way.

And finally if you can provide solutions to someone’s problem then they will pay for this.

Ultimately you need to provide your client with a path forward from where they are now to where they want to be.

How To Build A Steady Flow Of Inquiries And Clients For Your Interior Design Business — Dakota Design Co

People pay for clarity and simplicity, so if you can provide solutions that meet their problems you will win their business.

If you need help growing your interior design or architecture business then check out my business short courses and resources for designers and architects.

This is like a business school but more fun, less intimidating and created for designers and architects and what you NEED in business.

Our courses and resources leave you with a job done – not just a long list of things you need to do next. We are very focused on taking action and eliminating past imposter syndrome.

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How To Communicate With Your Interior Design Clients

You’ll learn strategies to get more clients and we have loads of support to help you ditch the systems and processes straight into your design business so you can be more efficient and organized in the way you do business with those clients.

Find out more about the courses and services we offer via the button below and feel free to contact me and I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Whether that’s driving more people to your in-house studio, converting a lead into a client or becoming more well-known in your area – there’s a lot to consider when trying to grow your business.

With so many options out there, I’ve put together nine highly effective tactics for driving new customers to your interior design business in 2023.

Facebook advertising for interior designers is an untapped channel for driving new customers. You can start with a small budget (£50 or less) and test the waters to see how it works for your business.

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For example, you can target people who live in a certain area – the image below shows that we are targeting people within 40km of Leeds. You can define it as a small or large space depending on your specific business.

You can also specify the age and gender of your ad target – so if you know all your clients are women between the ages of 30-55 you can specify that!

With even more targeting options like interests, behaviors, and education level – you can test different ads to see what works best for you. For example, you can target people who are interested in interior design (so they are more likely to be proud of the way their home looks) and retail buyers which is where Facebook knows they have made a purchase before after seeing an ad on Facebook.

You can target people who like your Facebook page, attend events you’ve created and much more, but all that information is best preserved with a dedicated blog post.

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Like I said, you can start small

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