Will Ai Take Our Jobs – Will artificial intelligence steal all our jobs? Mass unemployment fears may be ‘overblown’ but workers in media, education and finance need to embrace AI

That’s according to The Wall Street Journal, which reports that fortune cookie makers are turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to make it easier and faster to produce succinct yet profound messages, putting their writers’ long-term livelihoods at risk.

Will Ai Take Our Jobs

Beyond fortune cookies, ChatGPT and related AI chatbots have “seemingly infiltrated every industry under the sun,” said Smithsonian Magazine. Such platforms “are now suitable for things like planning vacations, writing recipes, preparing school assignments, and passing the bar exam.” .

Modern Facts Series

“As headlines about robots stealing human labor have increased – and as generative AI tools such as ChatGPT have rapidly become more accessible,” the BBC said, the number of workers has skyrocketed. will be essential for the labor market in the coming years”.

According to the news site, the big difference now is that “unlike previous revolutions, which only concerned jobs at the lowest end of the pay scale – such as lamp lighters and gearbox drivers – this time the professional classes are in the crosshairs of machines”. .

In a recent paper specifically looking at AI’s impact on the US job market, OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, predicted that AI will soon be able to help with about 10 percent of tasks for eight out of 10 workers, up from 19 percent. of employees can use artificial intelligence to perform 50% of their tasks.

“Such proliferation suggests that the replacement of jobs by AI will be a slow, gradual process rather than a sudden change,” said Tech.co.

Conceptual — Roberto Parada

“The fear that machines are stealing jobs is centuries old,” added The Economist. “But so far, new technology has created new jobs to replace the ones it destroyed. Machines tend to be able to perform some tasks and not others, increasing the demand for people who can do the jobs machines can’t,” the paper said.

A 2020 report by the World Economic Forum predicted that 85 million jobs worldwide would be replaced by artificial intelligence by 2025, while in 2021, consulting firm McKinsey estimated the figure at a more conservative 45 million by 2030. “ChatGPT’s meteoric rise,” said Tech.co, “those estimates now look too small.”

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A Goldman Sachs study published in March noted that generative AI tools “could affect 300 million full-time jobs worldwide,” leading to “significant disruption” in the labor market.

“It’s true that jobs that disappear in the face of technological progress have generally been replaced by other jobs, but that doesn’t mean the process has been painless,” said Paul Krugman in The New York Times. “Changing the workplace of individual employees is not necessarily easy, especially if the new workplaces are in different places. They may feel that their skills are diminished; In some cases, as in the case of coal, technological change can uproot communities and their way of life.

Help! Ai Will Steal Our Jobs And Data!

While many workforce experts say that fears of AI technologies leading to unemployment are “overblown,” The Guardian reports, “they point to another fear about AI: that it will widen America’s already huge income and wealth inequality by creating a new wave. billionaire tech baron while driving many workers out of better-paying jobs.”

Therefore, in this brave new world where “tech giants eat up more power and money, owning algorithms that control almost every aspect of our lives,” the i-news site said the way we build society and business, Boston Dynamics recently released a video of dancing robots . Some people couldn’t believe what they were seeing. It looked more like Pixar animation than real footage.

Should we fear increasingly advanced artificial intelligence and robots? Will artificial intelligence take over the world? And most importantly, will it take your job? Or maybe even steal your boyfriend?

You can also familiarize yourself with the results of our previous artificial intelligence study related to the ethics of computer vision and artificial intelligence:

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Our research revealed that more and more people are open to the idea of ​​incorporating artificial intelligence into their daily lives. They don’t care about AI taking over everyday tasks or being involved in decision-making processes. On the other hand, the introduction of artificial intelligence is full of doubts and concerns about artificial intelligence risks. Here are some of the most interesting trends that have caught our attention.

Nearly 69% of college graduates believe AI could take their jobs or make them irrelevant within a few years

According to our respondent, cashiers, drivers and translators are the jobs most likely to be replaced by artificial intelligence

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People are seven times more concerned about the negative impact of AI on the labor market than about the fair treatment of robots

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According to a widely commented study on the future of employment, now known as the Oxford Study, about 47 percent of US employment is at risk due to rapid computerization.

As Alana Semuels of Time points out, many people of color and low-wage workers lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic. He notes that they were primarily “cashiers, food service workers and customer service representatives who are among the 15 jobs threatened by automation.” Now they have problems with employment.

By the way, the very same jobs are the number one occupation that artificial intelligence is most likely to take over.

About 65% of our respondents suspect that they will lose their jobs due to artificial intelligence in the next few years. And nearly 79% believe that rapid automation is an important issue that we should be particularly concerned about.

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There will definitely be work disruptions. Because what’s going to happen is that robots can do everything better than us. Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla

We asked which professions are most likely to be automated. As a company that develops artificial intelligence chatbots for the e-commerce sector, we are also aware of our contribution to changes in the labor market. Customer service representatives are one of the top jobs in professions that may soon become obsolete.

Cashiers, drivers and translators are popular professions that are already gradually being automated. Self-service checkouts, autonomous trucks and real-time translation software are part of our reality. It should come as no surprise that a majority of respondents – 63% and 51% respectively predict that cashiers and drivers are the occupations most likely to be replaced by technology.

Common use cases of artificial intelligence are customer service chatbots. They use machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) to identify the purpose of messages. Chatbots can analyze messages instantly and provide quick answers to common questions. Companies use them to save money and improve the customer experience.

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Police officers, doctors and lawyers have been voted as professions that will survive the AI ​​revolution. Occupations typically associated with creativity appear to be even less vulnerable to the disruptive effects of AI technology on the labor market. Almost 39 and 36% of the respondents chose artists and musicians the least for AI’s own tasks.

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Artificial intelligence plays an increasingly important role in law or healthcare, but AI and robots usually play intermediate roles between experts and clients or patients.

Grace, the robot “nurse” created by Hanson Robotics, is still more of a hospital receptionist than a real nurse. And most patients feel uncomfortable around him anyway, which brings us to the next part of our research.

Machine learning algorithms that perform complex operations are very abstract. But this is exactly how the modern world uses AI today. We use machine learning and neural networks to automate tasks based on huge amounts of data.

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If we want to give the artificial intelligence a personality and a material form, the situation becomes a little more complicated. Humans like other humans, but have an instinctive fear of human-like machines. In the most literal sense, our brains see robots as living people with something terribly wrong.

This general effect is known as the uncanny valley. Robots that have been given human characteristics are closer and more pleasant to interact with. But only up to a point. Once they reach the threshold of the uncanny valley, their attraction diminishes. We stop seeing them as human-like robots and instead see them as flawed humans.

The most popular models are Cortana’s ghostly holograph and Spot, the robot dog. Adding more real human traits makes AI representations less appealing. Interestingly, female respondents are less willing to interact with all types of robots.

A generic robot with masculine features attracts more male respondents than female respondents. Described as “cartoonish” and “condescending”, SoftBank’s toy-like robot was still considered more attractive than Sorayama’s overtly sexualized sculpture.

A.i. Is Going To Take Our Jobs! I Mean, It’s Going To Take Our…identity?!

It is clear that the design of AI avatars and robots is strongly related to our social reality. Robot designers use anthropomorphic features to suggest qualities such as strength, helpfulness, or attractiveness. These correlate with common gender stereotypes.

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