How Long Did It Take To Make The Movie Frozen – 1. Most Christians and preachers mistakenly believe that it took Noah 120 years to build the ark based on a flawed and sloppy reading of Genesis 6:3. (“Then God said, “My Spirit will not strive with man forever, because he too is flesh; even so his life will be a hundred and twenty years.”)

2. A brief study of the text shows that the time from God telling Noah to build the ark, until the rain falls is no more than 75 years.

How Long Did It Take To Make The Movie Frozen

A. When we think of the Ark, we think of a small 30-foot tug boat-shaped vessel with a giraffe sticking its head through the roof, when in fact, Noah’s Ark was 515 feet long!

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B. There was so much room on the ark that every species of animal and insect could fit on the ark and Noah had the upper deck to himself. This deck was probably used for food: Genesis 6:21

4. The construction of Noah’s ark should not surprise us because the world before the flood was sophisticated because they had musical instruments and knew how to smelt iron.

A. A cubit is the measurement from the elbow to the tip of the longest finger of the hand.

B. Common English Imperial “INCH” comes from the Old English ynche, ynch, unce, or inch and is measured as the width of the major joint of the thumb.

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A. The ‘Old Egyptian/Babylonian’ 20.6 inch Hasta is used in the Book of Genesis, specifically in relation to the size of the Ark. This was, according to various sources, the length of a cubit in the earliest times of Egypt, and also of Babylonia.

B. Most modern translations of the Book of Genesis mistakenly translate the size of the ark based on 18 inch cubits. We know from archeology that 18 inch cubits did not come into use until Hezekiah’s time around 700 BC because the Siloam tunnel was 1200 cubits long, giving a cubit of 17.5 inches.

C. “While preparing for my talk at the Society for Near Eastern Archeology meeting, I reviewed many publications by Manfred Bietak and others on the excavations at Tell el-Daba/Avaris. Wherever Bietak mentions measurements, he uses the Old Egyptian cubit of 20.6 inches. In one place he clearly says that the construction at Tell el-Daba follows this measurement. For example, the two palaces at Ezbit Helmi are separated by an artificial lake, and the distance between the two walls of the palace is exactly 150 cubits, using a cubit of 20.6 inches. This, almost no doubt, were the palaces where Moses was raised. Certainly they were the palaces where Moses and Aaron met Pharaoh when warning him of the consequences of not letting the Israelites go. So this would have been the staff used by Moses. If he meant different sizes (I don’t know when the 18 inch cubit came in), he would say something like “according to the new toothed shorter cubit”, but he had nowhere to do that. See Ezek. 40:5. Here Ezekiel had to explain that the angel was not using the 18-inch cubit that had become standard at this time, but was using an older cubit.” (Rodger Young, personal email, 2015 AD)

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D. “The earliest attested standard measure is from the pyramids of Old Kingdom Egypt. It is the royal cubit (mahe). The royal cubit is 523 to 525 mm (20.6 to 20.64 inches) long: and is divided into 7 palms of 4 digits each, for a measurement of 28 parts as a whole. The royal cubit is known from Old Kingdom architecture at least as early as the construction of the Step Pyramid of Djoser around 2,700 BCE” (The Cubit: A History and Measurement Commentary, Mark H. Stone, Journal of Anthropology, Volume 2014 AD)

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(The Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh, Field and Tuer, W. M. F. Petrie, chapter XX, table, 1883 AD)

Dynastic pharaohs going back to the time of the Hyksos and Abraham as seen in the excavation report at Tell el-Dab’a (ancient Gohen, Rameses and Avaris located in the eastern Nile delta at 30° 47′ N, 31° 50′ E.) Excerpts context from “The Palatial Precinct at the Nile Branch (Area H)” by Manfred Bietak shows that 523 MM cubits (20.6 inches) were used everywhere in palace construction during the time of Thutmoses III (1446 BC). , exodus pharaoh) to the time of Rameses II (1250 BC). This proves Moses used 20.6 inch cubits in 1446 BC when he wrote Genesis and gave the measurements for the Tabernacle in Sinai located in northern modern Saudi Arabia.

A. “The late Hyksos Period precinct (ph. D/2) excavated so far consists of the following elements: Remains of a large fortification wall (A) along the bank of the Pelusiac branch of the Nile. It was built of mud-brick, 6.20 m ( 12 cubits) wide, and had buttresses set at regular intervals of 35 cubits. The long, straight continuation of this wall several hundred meters to the northeast was revealed by a geophysical survey in 1999.” (Palatial Precinct in the Area of ​​Nile Branch H, Manfred Bietak)

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B. “A monumental building on a low-level platform in area H/III (C). It is a type of casemate construction filled with debris, originally at least 31.5 x 27.1 m (c. 60 x 52 cubits), but there is no there is absolute certainty about its eastern edge'” (Palatial Precinct in Nile Branch Area H, Manfred Bietak)

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C. “In the northern part of our excavation, platform C of the late Hyksos Period was brought down at the beginning of the 18th Dynasty and a storage compound was erected on it. It consists of at least 30 round grain silos and other silos have been found next to the Palace to the south and in the place -elsewhere. Each silo is about 5.25 m (10 cubits) in diameter. The silo is renewed up to four times which will favor a long period of time.” (Palatial Precinct in the Area of ​​Nile Branch H, Manfred Bietak)

D. “Tuthmoside Palace Precinct, Ph. C3-2 (Str. d-c): The early 18th Dynasty palace precinct appears to cover part of the same land as the late Hyksos Palace precinct but has a different orientation. It has been extensively excavated and explored -magnitude by geophysical survey (Figure 1). The most prominent elements are the smaller structure (F) and the larger palatial structure (G). They were erected parallel to each other and included a large building. space in between them with an area of ​​150 cubits (78.75 m). This space houses a large rectangular artificial lake.” (Palatial Precinct in the Area of ​​Nile Branch H, Manfred Bietak)

E. “The three main elements of the palace district will be described in more detail: From palace F in area H/I (Fig. 7A/7B) only the platform substructure has been preserved. The dimensions are 135 x 90 cubits (c. 70.5). x 47 m = ratio 1.5 : 1). A large mud brick wall shows the interior in the form of a casemate. All it represents is the foundation of a monumental multi-story building. The wall compartments are filled with soil and brick material including fragments from the late Hyksos Period. The building cuts through the wall of a late Hyksos Period rampart A which is extended and rests on the sand bed above it (H/I-n/25, West side). It is accessible via a ramp c. 6.40 m (12 cubits) wide, which is installed on the northeastern (local north) side of the platform’s flank. Ramp this not only cut through the remains of the Hyksos fortress wall. It must have been built in this long gap of the Hyksos wall (A ) because, according to the geophysical survey, the eastern enclosure wall of the 18th Dynasty crosses the Hyksos wall. The granite gate block of King Amenemhet I, found over 100 years ago past by E. Naville, likely to have been used afterwards as an entrance at the start or at the landing on the ramp (Fig. 8A/8B) .” (Palatial Precinct in Nile Branch Area H, Manfred Bietak)

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F. “Next to the “Southern Palace” at Deir el-Ballas (Figure 9) measuring 200 x 90 cubits, which still stands about 7 m high, our platform can be identified as a small palace raised on a podium. ” (Palatial Precinct in the Nile Branch Area H, Manfred Bietak)

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G. “The much larger Palace G in areas H/II-III and H/VI measures 320 x 150 cubits (168 x 78.75 m)” (Palatial Precinct in Nile Branch Area H, Manfred Bietak)

H. “A ramp leads to the palace proper, past the bathhouse at its base. With a gradient of 1:5 the length of the ramp is 70 cubits the height of the platform can be calculated to 7, 35m (14 cubits ).” (Palatial Precinct in the Area of ​​Nile Branch H, Manfred Bietak)

I. “There is a division of two buildings into a square hall (c. 55 x 55 hasta) with four rows of columns in the southeast and a room

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