How Many Blind People Did Jesus Heal In The Bible – In the Old Testament, Isaiah prophesied about the coming Messiah. Isaiah 35:5-6 speaks of a time “when the eyes of the blind will be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped. Then the lame will leap like a deer, and the tongue of the dumb will sing for joy.” When God the Son came to earth, he became a Healer – removing diseases of the skin, raising the dead to life, walking the lame, and giving sight to the blind.

John 9 gives us a glimpse of the kingdom of God, where creation is redeemed, and opens our eyes to the purpose of greater suffering in our lives. The disciples asked Jesus a question that many still wrestle with today: Why is this person suffering? (In this case, why was this man born blind?) Was it because of sin?

How Many Blind People Did Jesus Heal In The Bible

Jesus’ answer gives hope to anyone facing suffering: “This man and his parents did not sin. This happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.” (John 9:3). Since Jesus is Lord over everything, every suffering in this life has meaning and purpose.

Mark 10:46: Where Was Jesus, And How Many Were Blind?

Miraculously, Jesus gave sight to the man who was blind. The man’s neighbors noticed the change, and told them what Jesus had done for him. But the response of the religious leaders – doubt and disbelief – reveals a different kind of blindness: spiritual blindness. Sin keeps us from seeing what is true about God. Jesus came as light to a dark world. It helps us to see what is true so that we can know God.

Our sin makes us unable to see the truth about God. Jesus came as a light in a dark world. He came to give us a view – A TRUE UNDERSTANDING OF GOD AND HIS KINGDOM. Those who trust in Jesus see who He is and worship Him with all their heart.

Those who trust in Jesus are freed from sin and worship Jesus as Lord. We can live fully in the light of Jesus as we try to make him known to others so that their eyes are opened to the truth of the gospel as well.

To interact with the content this week, first preview the lesson with your child by completing the first side of the age-appropriate activity page, then watch the Bible Story Video together. Next discuss the key points of the story with your child (possible questions below). Finally, complete the second side of the activity page and any other activity pages you think your child will enjoy!

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Jesus Heals Two Blind Men

1. What question did the disciples ask Jesus about the man who was born blind? (Who sinned, this man or his parents?) What was Jesus’ answer? (Never. This man was born blind so that God’s glory might be shown through him)

2. What did Jesus put on the man’s eyes? (Mud made from his spit) Where did Jesus tell the man to wash? (Pool of Siloam) What happened when the man washed off the mud (He could see)

3. What was the reaction of his friends and neighbors (they didn’t believe it was the same person) Why didn’t they recognize him? (They couldn’t believe that someone born blind could be healed)

4. What was the reaction of the Pharisees and the religious teachers? (They were angry the man had been healed on the Sabbath) What did they do to the man who was healed? (They expelled him from the Synagogue forever) FOR OLDER CHILDREN – How do the Pharisees show a different kind of blindness?

El Greco (domenikos Theotokopoulos)

5. Why was Jesus looking for the man? (The answers will vary. Because Jesus cares for him. Because Jesus wants him to understand He was the Messiah, the Savior of the world) What did the man do? (he worshiped Jesus)

6. Was it only the man’s appearance that worried Jesus? (No, he used the healing of his sight to prove who he was – the only Son of God) What was the BIG concern of Jesus in this story and the other stories where he healed people? (Jesus was more concerned about the SPIRITUAL healing of people than their physical healing. Jesus knew that the forgiveness of sins and having a forever relationship with Him was more important than any need they could have in this life.) Lincoln Park UBF is a non-denominational Christian church ministry made up of college students and young adults from the Lincoln Park neighborhood of Chicago. We are a local chapter of the University Bible Fellowship (UBF), which is an international ministry on college campuses around the world.

We welcome students and young adults of all faiths and backgrounds to come and learn with us what Christian spirituality is and what it means to follow Jesus.

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“He replied, ‘Whether he is a sinner or not, I do not know. One thing I know. I was blind but now I see!”‘”

John Chapter 9 Jesus Heals A Blind Man And Tests The Crowd

There are so many things in life that we don’t understand: Why some people suffer and others don’t, why someone did something nice for me, why people can be so suspicious, or prejudiced, or self righteous. Today’s piece gets to the heart of it all. Spiritually, we can either be blind, or we can see. How can we see things spiritually? We need Jesus, the light of the world, to open our eyes. But we are also part of the process. We see it in this story about a man who is physically healed, but only gradually begins to see spiritually. In this study we want to learn how it grew. And especially we want to learn from the words and example of our Lord Jesus. May God open our hearts and speak to us through his word today.

Look at verse 1. We are not sure exactly when or where this event takes place. What is clear is that it is a place dominated by Jews. People have to strictly observe religious rules and rituals. In that place the Pharisees are considered religious authorities. People who do not keep their rules can be put out of the synagogue, which meant social suicide. As Jesus went on to that place, he saw a man blind from birth. From other details in the passage we learn that this man had a regular place in the town where he would sit and beg. It was the only way for him to earn a living.

Today we see people begging in various places – at crossroads or train stations. Sometimes we wonder what happened to them. It often seems that they have made a lot of bad decisions and now have a drug problem. They may even be lying about their condition. But in this case, this man was blind from birth. His blindness did not happen from cruelty done to him, or from an accident. And it wasn’t fake; it was clearly evident, like a deformity. For most of us, it’s hard to even imagine what it’s like to go through a lifetime without being able to see anything. Today our society offers help to the blind, such as a seeing eye dog, and braille on lobby signs and elevators. But in the days of Jesus there were no social cushions for the blind at all. All they could do was beg in public, and people’s religious duty was to give them a little something, once in a while. People looked at such a person as inferior, and as an object of pity. From the man’s point of view, having to beg for a living made his blindness even worse.

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Look at verse 2. It is not clear why the disciples take notice of this man. But one thing stands out — his visible condition has touched their hearts enough for them to ask Jesus about it. Their question reveals the mindset of the Jews at that time. For them, anything bad in human life had to be the result of someone’s sin. If you worked hard enough and did enough good deeds, this way of thinking goes, you would be blessed in every way. But if anything bad happened to you, he

Life Of Jesus Christ: Miracles

Because you have done something bad. This includes even accidents, even birth defects. It’s actually a pretty fatalistic way of thinking. What is dangerous is that there is some truth to it. Sometimes, bad things that happen are definitely because we did something bad. But not

. Sometimes, innocent people suffer through no fault of their own, like Job. The Jewish idea that suffering can come from the sins of our parents comes from the Ten Commandments, where God says that he will punish children for the sin of their parents to the third and fourth generation (Ex20:5). We call it “generational sin.” Bad things in people’s lives can often be the culmination of generations of bad living. But again, no

How does Jesus answer the question of his disciples? Read verse 3. Jesus refuses to endorse their cause-and-effect idea of ​​sin and suffering. Instead, he says that this man’s blindness from birth happened so that God could display his works in him. What are the “works” of God? There are so many ways God can work, even in the worst of circumstances. In the case of this man, it meant restoring his physical appearance, as well as his spiritual appearance, and his soul. Anyway, Jesus always sees human suffering

Jesus heal the blind man, how did jesus heal people, how many blind men did jesus heal, how many people did jesus heal, how many people did jesus heal in the bible, how many times did jesus heal the blind, how did jesus heal the blind man, how many blind people in the world, how many blind people in the us, how many miracles did jesus perform in the bible, how did jesus heal, how many blind people did jesus heal

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