Dunkin Donuts Iced Coffee Cups – If you purchase something from a link, Vox Media may earn a commission. See our ethics policy.

You may have noticed that after a test run in a handful of cities, Dunkin’ Donuts started selling cold beer everywhere. It’s the kind of iced coffee that people who want to be coffee snobs love, the only kind of iced coffee sold by some coffee shops in Brooklyn (or that wish they were in Brooklyn). It costs twice as much as regular iced coffee because it takes a whole day to make them and it tastes like…a little stronger, but also a bland iced coffee I guess?

Dunkin Donuts Iced Coffee Cups

Dunkin Donuts Iced Coffee Cups

If, like me, you grew up with Dunkin’ Donuts iced coffee, you know there’s only one way to drink Dunkin’ Donuts iced coffee: Walk up to the counter, order your iced coffee in any size—milk and sugar? – yes, please. Here we go. Let the fine folks at Dunkin’ do the rest. (If you want a donut, get a donut! In fact, grab a box of munchkins while you’re here! I recommend asking for the extra glazed chocolate and blueberry, but that’s just my preference.)

Dunkin Donuts Iced Coffee Cup

Dunkin’s iced coffee – brewed hot over ice – is the same kind of iced coffee you get for fifty bucks from the corner store (made hot, then left in the fridge or sloppily poured over ice cream), the same stuff you order at a diner and it might even come with free refills if you’re lucky, or just extra friendly. No matter how nice it is, cold beer never comes with free refills. As craft beer is to Bud Light, cold brew is a whole breed of coffee; it is to Dunkin’ what skinny jeans were to Old Navy fifteen years ago.

It’s cold brewed “takes its sweet time” and is a “special blend of coffee” “gently brewed” for 24 or 20 or 12 or 10 hours without heat, so it’s a “smooth, full-bodied brew low acidity”. of three simple ingredients: coffee, water and time.” Cold brew is great, or at least aspires to be – especially if it comes out of a keg, like Stumptown’s and Starbucks’ new nitro cold brew, which, if I understand correctly , is where you inject nitrogen gas into the cold brew. to make it Guinness-esque. It sounds complicated. And that’s okay! If cold brew is part of your personal coffee journey, honey. But no one should be ordered cold brew at Dunkin’ Donuts.

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Dunkin’ Iced Coffee, the milk and sugar kind, is iced coffee for the people. With enough milk to muffle the bitterness, enough sugar to satisfy everyone’s innate sweet tooth (and that sugary texture at the bottom is something I’ve come to crave in an iced coffee), it’s as close as you can get to a milkshake. without being a real milkshake. It’s a comfortable coffee – a coffee that tastes the same every time, wherever you drink it, without pretension.

Dunkin’ iced coffee is something you can drink all day long – you don’t need to regulate your intake to precisely time your coffee run in the morning rush or 4 PM pick-me-ups. When I was in high school, my friends and I would order a large iced coffee (that’s 32 ounces, in a cup designed to fit in the cup holder of your 1996 Volvo) in the morning and sip gracefully throughout the day, the so condensation achieves everything. over our math tests until we figured out to ask for an extra styrofoam cup to put on top of the plastic to catch the excess moisture. If you are wondering, yes, I learned a lot of important things in high school.

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A little more than a decade before he introduced cold brew, Dunkin’ decided to grow from a New England lifestyle with a few thousand stores to a brand that spanned the entire country. The advertising campaign that resulted from that ambition, “America Runs on Dunkin,” made explicit its desire to be the people’s coffee: the press release announcing the campaign described it as “making [ing ] tribute to those who embody the authentic spirit upon which America was founded.” Hill Holiday executive Jeff Bonasia, whose agency developed the campaign, added that it was “designed to emotionally connect with the hard-working cross-section of Americans who keep this country running every day; from the builder to the office. worker to the lawyer and so on.”

Dunkin’ apparently catered to regular people – or people who wanted to convince themselves they were regular people – who wanted coffee served plain, with milk and sugar. Dunkin’ was for middle school teachers getting ready for back-to-back classes or truck drivers getting ready for a long drive or single moms working two jobs or the first-time office worker with sensitive shoes . Although it offered things like Dunkaccinos and Coolattas (and eventually espresso and lattes) for people who wanted to feel a little fancy – but not so fancy that they had to order in “fritaliano” – it didn’t really want you to order. those. Dunkin’ Donuts coffee is best served without frills, and if you go there enough, you might get a sense that they know it too.

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To quote the iconic 1998 film You’ve Got Mail, in which Tom Hanks criticizes a Starbucks’ too many choices: “The whole purpose of places like Starbucks is for people without decision-making skills to make six decisions just to Buy a cup of coffee. Short, high, light, dark, caf, decaf, low-fat, no fat, etc. So people who do not know what they are doing or who on earth they are, can. , for just $2.95, you get not just a cup of coffee, but an absolutely defining sense of yourself: Tall! Decaf! Cappuccino!”

Dunkin Donuts Iced Coffee Cups

Financially, however, selling a trendier and more expensive coffee makes sense, especially if everyone else is doing it. It’s as simple as a regular iced coffee (milk, sugar) that costs $2.49 in Brooklyn, while the same size cold brew will cost you $2.99. So it’s no wonder that every time I’ve visited my nearest Dunkin’ lately, they’ve added some new crap to their ever-expanding menu; I mean, ask any Bostonian where they were when Dunkin first added bagels, they’ll remember. Now it’s a chicken salad sandwich, a frozen Dunkaccino, a “Heath and Almond Joy-flavored” iced coffee, whatever the hell it is.

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And I generally support people who choose to drink trendier and more expensive coffee. But even Dunkin doesn’t seem positive that it should actually sell cold beer. Their celebratory press release read:

The rich, ultra-smooth and full-bodied Cold Brew coffee, hand-brewed at Dunkin’ Donuts restaurants in small batches and served daily while supplies last, will be available at participating Dunkin’ Donuts locations nationwide at end of summer.

“While supplies last” A.K.A. “We’re not sure who thought to order this.” Maybe Dunkin’ thinks America wants to get high on a cold beer — wrong — or is trying to win back the habits that have upgraded to a more sophisticated coffee shop with more tattoos. Or maybe since landing in California two years ago, he just wants to impress tech entrepreneurs — the other week, he delivered cold beer directly to co-working space WeWork as part of a “TGIM (Thank God it’s Monday)”. Who the hell would ever thank God it’s Monday?

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Correction: This post originally mischaracterized exactly how Dunkin’ Donuts made its iced coffee. We apologize for the mistake, although this is not the stance against Dunkin’ cold brew. Do you like to make Dunkin’ coffee at home when you’re not frequenting your local Dunkin’? With our bagged coffee, available for purchase at Dunkin’ stores, you can get your daily dose of Dunkin’ straight from your kitchen, with varieties like Original Blend, Dark Roast, Dunkin’ Decaf®, French Vanilla and Hazelnut.

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Whether you’re in the mood for hot or iced coffee, we’ve got your back with five tips to brew the perfect cup every time:

A good cup of coffee starts with how you treat your beans or grounds. To keep your coffee extra fresh, take the amount of coffee you plan to use during the week and store it in a cool, dry place. Then, store the rest in an airtight container in your freezer. Coffee absorbs the flavors and aromas of anything around it, so be sure to store it properly.

This may be an obvious one, but be sure to clean your beer and carafe regularly! Coffee takes on the flavors around it, so if you have old coffee in your brewer, your coffee won’t taste right.

Dunkin Donuts Iced Coffee Cups

To make a cup or a pot of hot coffee, we recommend measuring 1.5 tbsp. of ground coffee for every 6 oz. of water Keep in mind, the longer your coffee is on the burner, the more bitter it gets! Try to keep it on the burner for less than 20 minutes whenever possible.

Single Iced Coffee Recipe

To make a refreshing iced coffee, we recommend using 3 tbsp. of grinds for every 6 oz. of water When you add the ice to your cool cup, it starts to melt and dilute

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