How To Advertise An Apartment – If you’re a renter and need to move out of an apartment, it’s time to find a sublet.

As with everything, there is a right way and a wrong way. As a property management company for over 35 years, we have seen many of our residents do the wrong thing. It’s not fun in terms of stress and financial pain.

How To Advertise An Apartment

We’ve also found that most renters do it right. If you know the steps, you can book your space without breaking the bank and avoiding any hassles.

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Five easy steps on how to properly furnish an apartment; follow them and you should succeed:

We have summarized everything in this video. Also, check out the infographic, “Handle an Apartment to a Professional in 5 Easy Steps.” (See below.)

Essentially, when you sublet an apartment, you move into your apartment and receive all or part of the rent.

There are many legal things to be aware of when renting out your property. The biggest of them all: YOU DON’T GET TO BUY.

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Not a subtitle. You Even if you split up and moved into a rental, it’s your apartment. You are responsible for everything related to it, in particular the following:

Keys: Your sublet will need keys to the apartment, but you are responsible for returning the keys to the host. Make sure you plan how you will return the keys to the host and the subletter plan.

Utilities: The utility fee must be agreed with your landlord and specified in the rental agreement. Notify your utility company or landlord if you plan to pay utilities instead of your subletter. If your tenant is going to pay the bill, ask them to sign an appropriate agreement with the utility company (and notify the utility company of the new subletter).

Security Deposit: Your original security deposit will remain with the landlord. Whether or not you require a personal deposit from your subletter is entirely up to you, but we recommend it. We ask for half a month’s rent for a security deposit.

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Damages: You are responsible for any damage caused to the tenant’s apartment. Ask the subletter to fill out an inspection form when they move out so you can prove the damage.

Roommates: If you have roommates, ask them to sign a written consent form stating that they are not allowed to rent a place. It’s usually not required, but it’s a good idea. If you have a private lease, you probably don’t need your roommates’ permission.

It’s time to bring in the next subletters. Start by identifying who would be your ideal spokesperson, then use the marketing and advertising tactics outlined here.

Think about the person you want living in your home. Student? A young professional? Write down two or three types that fit your description, so when the prospect arrives, you know what to look for.

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(Remember to be aware of fair housing laws: You can’t opt ​​out. Here’s a link to Wisconsin’s fair housing laws.)

Also, ask your property manager what they look for in a tenant. Your property manager is adept at evaluating a prospect’s character. Ask a responsible tenant what qualities they are looking for. Use it to check your future.

Once you’ve identified the best subletter, create three compelling selling points. What makes your home special? Easy access to campus? A fancy kitchen? Good neighborhood?

The key to making your home grow is activity. The more you do these marketing efforts and the more consistent you are, the faster you will get your apartment.

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Start early: If you know you’ll be moving this summer, start an aggressive search for a subletter today. In one of our on-campus residences, Happiness, we have over 850 residents, and we usually hang out with about 100 subs during the summer. Competition for finding a quality subletter can be fierce, so don’t delay.

Take advantage of your property’s marketing opportunities: Your property manager may already have established successful marketing channels for apartment rentals, and perhaps they will be promoting your property with courtesy. At least they can point you in the right direction.

Retrace Your Tenant Steps: How Did You Find Your Apartment? Is this an ad? Word? Pull back your steps and identify what catches your eye. If it’s cost-effective, it can be a way to alert people that you’re looking for a sub.

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Where to post sublet ads: Social media like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are great ways to promote your sublet. Get your friends and family to spread the word about your place. Here are some examples of each set.

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Ask your roommates to spread the word: Use your roommates’ networks to promote your space—it’s a good bet they’ll be happier with a sublet, too.

Look for connections at other public schools: We see that many of our May posts are Madison locals returning from their college summers. If you know someone close to you in public school, ask their friends and classmates if they can get the word out.

A great source for sublet advertising is Craigslist. It’s free and very targeted. Here’s an article on how to write a great Craigslist ad. Our tips include:

A special note about Craigslist: There are several documented scams associated with this service. Please review this list before using the Service.

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Applying for transfers: The UW admits about 2,000 students each year. You can expect hundreds of new students in January – these people are looking for a place to live! Buying a mailing or email list by name can be expensive, but you can appeal to students in your ads or flyers (for example, headline: “Looking for short-term rentals?”).

Go Guerrilla: Guerrilla marketing is about making immediate and personal connections. It also includes creative ways to market. For example, print out a flyer with apartment details, then pass it around the Memorial Union or in the large lecture hall after class.

Use your e-mail contacts: Look in the contact book for your e-mail or send it through an old e-mail. Create a list of people and send a notification about your location, including a description and photo.

1. Lower the rent: When it comes to renting, prices are king. If you’re struggling, pay part of the rent yourself to lower the price.

How To Advertise An Apartment For Rent: Tips From Experts

2. Utility bills: Paying separate utility bills on top of the rent can be a deterrent to subletters. Consider factoring the cost of utilities into the fixed rental price and pay the bill.

3. Leave the apartment partially furnished: Advertising your sublet as pre-furnished will score big in the eyes of the sublet.

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4. Mention Your Freebies: Advertise anything included in your department or apartment complex, such as community and fitness centers.

5. Include Fees: Mention everything that is convenient and attractive to your department. Add nearby bus lines, grocery stores, and entertainment—anything and everything that might appeal to you.

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Your marketing has paid off big time! You’ve invited people, it’s time to start showing the apartment.

Note: Criminals have previously posed as criminals in hopes of gaining access to a person’s apartment. Ask them to be at the apartment or invite a friend when the party is shown. Avoid introducing yourself.

Once you’ve shown your apartment, you’ll have several prospects. Let’s find out if it really is the perfect match. Here’s a simple screening process to help the cream rise to the top:

1. Run a credit and background check: It’s a good idea to run a credit check to see if the tenant can pay the rent, as well as a background check through CCAP.

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2. Ask for referrals: Why? Your cash is on the line. Ask for personal references so you can gauge their credibility.

3. Check in with your roommates: If you have roommates, get your two cents in on the subletter. If you get into trouble, they’ll hate you for life, so be a little more accommodating.

4. Ask about rental history: Be careful if it’s your first time living alone. Conversely, someone who has rented from the same landlord for the previous three years is probably a good bet.

Remember the subletter questionnaire from step one? Now is the time to get your sublet’s signature and go over all the details of the subletting agreement, including how long the sublet will last and how much each party will pay.

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See step two, where we’ve detailed the legal issues you need to consider. Once the financial and logistical details are worked out, sign the contract and give a copy

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