If I Just Had My Period Can I Get Pregnant

By | September 25, 2023

If I Just Had My Period Can I Get Pregnant – It’s normal to be nervous about your first period. Knowing what is normal can help you feel more prepared. But everyone’s body is different, so every period is different.

There is no way to know exactly when your first period will begin. One day you will see blood on your underwear or on the sheets and boom – there it is! There may be signs of your first period (such as cramps, bloating, or pimples), but not everyone gets it.

If I Just Had My Period Can I Get Pregnant

Most people have their first period between the ages of 12 and 15, but for some, it starts earlier or later. Your period may start around the same time as other people you are related to, such as your mom or sister. If you don’t have a period by age 16, it’s a good idea to see your doctor or Planned Parenthood Medical Center just to make sure everything’s okay.

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It’s completely normal to be worried or curious about the onset of your period, but try not to get too excited about it. Everyone’s body is different, so menstruation starts at different times for everyone. You never know when it will come, so having a tampon, underwear, or pad in your bag will help you feel more prepared for your period.

Some people show signs that their period is approaching, such as bloating, acne, chest pain, and emotional distress. Many people experience cramps in the abdomen, lower back, or legs before menstruation. These symptoms are called PMS. Not everyone has signs that their period is about to start. And sometimes the signs change from month to month. As you get older, it usually becomes easier to tell when your period will start.

Many people mark the days of their period on their calendar or app. Tracking your period will help you know when your next period is due. It can also tell you if your period is late or early. It’s very common to have periods that don’t come at the same time every month, especially when you’re a teenager.

Keeping your tampon, underwear, or pad in your bag will help you get ready for your period, no matter when it starts. If you’re on your period and don’t have a tampon or pad, you can ask your parents, friends, teachers, or school nurse for a tampon or pad. (Don’t be shy—almost all menstruating women have ever picked up a tampon or pad!) Some bathrooms also have vending machines where you can buy a tampon or pad. If you’re REALLY stuck somewhere without a tampon or pad, you can fold up a pack of toilet paper, a clean sock, or a washcloth and put it under your underwear to soak up the blood.

Pregnancy & Menstruation

If your clothes accidentally get dirty, you can wrap a sweater around your waist or ask to go home. You can also leave a change of clothes in your locker. Again, try not to be embarrassed—everyone who has had their period has accidentally bled on their underwear or clothing before. Happens!

Normal periods are individual. They may also change over the course of your life. Periods usually come about once a month. When you first get your period, bleeding may only last a few days or be very light (meaning not much blood comes out).

During menstruation, bleeding can last from 2 to 7 days. It may seem like a lot of blood comes out, but most people only lose about 1-6 tablespoons of blood and tissue each menstrual period. Periodic blood can be red, brown, or pink. It’s also normal that it can be lumpy at times. If your periods are so heavy that you have to change maxi pads or super tampons every hour, call your doctor or your local Planned Parenthood Health Center.

During the first few years of menstruation, they may not always come at the same time each month. You may bleed more or less, or you may have different PMS symptoms from month to month. As you get older, your periods will usually become more regular, and it will be easier for you to figure out what is “normal” for you. Learn more about what normal menstruation is.

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Although it is normal to have periods that are not always regular, the absence of periods can be a sign of pregnancy. If you’ve had your penis in your vagina without using birth control and you’ve missed your period, take a pregnancy test. Learn more about what to do if you miss your period. POV: You are menstruating. You change your favorite menstrual product when you look down and wonder, “Wait, why is my menstrual blood brown?” Or pink. Or black. Or any other color you might not have expected to see.

As it turns out, the color of your menstrual blood can reveal a lot about your cycle and your overall health. So we asked Dr. Allegra Cummings, OB/GYN at Weill Cornell Medicine, to tell us what each color means and when to see a doctor.

The good news is that dark red or brown menstrual blood is not usually a cause for concern. “The main reason menstrual blood can be brown is because it’s old blood,” Dr. Cummings said.

This usually happens at the beginning or end of your period when the discharge is lighter. Because the longer the blood leaves the body, the longer it has to be oxidized (read: exposed to oxygen), which makes it dark. “It’s not necessarily a bad thing,” Dr. Cummings said. “It often just means it’s light bleeding, so it just comes out more slowly.”

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Another cause of dark red or brown menstrual blood: birth control. It can reduce overall bleeding, Dr. Cummings said, and when there isn’t a lot of blood, it may take longer to come out.

And something that can lead to brown blood in your underwear that isn’t really your period: implantation bleeding. Aka, normal spotting that appears after about two weeks of pregnancy.

Pink menstrual blood may appear at the beginning of menstruation. And, as a rule, this color, because the blood mixes with the discharge from the vagina. (Which is usually nothing to worry about.) It can also show up if you’re on birth control because it can lower your estrogen levels and cause a pink tint during your period.

Note. If you have blood in your discharge but don’t have your period, it could be because of small tears in your vagina after sex. Or it could be normal spotting during ovulation.

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Bright red blood usually does not have time to oxidize. This often happens during a constant flow. “When people have heavy periods, you tend to have bright red blood,” said Dr. Cummings.

Black blood is even older than dark red or brown period blood. But if you’re experiencing black menstrual blood along with some pregnancy symptoms and it doesn’t turn into a period (read: it only lasts one to three days), it could actually be implantation bleeding. Or it could be a sign of a miscarriage. Yes, the human body can be confusing. Check with your doctor if something is wrong or if you have questions.

If you see blood with an orange tint, Dr. Cummings explained that it might not just be menstrual blood. It could be blood mixed with vaginal discharge caused by an underlying infection. For example, bacterial vaginosis (also known as BV), which is inflammation caused by an imbalance of bacteria, or trichomoniasis (STDs). If this happens to you, call your doctor for more information.

Another case of vaginal discharge mixed with menstrual blood. Gray discharge may be a sign of BV. This may be accompanied by other symptoms such as itching and a fishy smell. Also another case where you should consult your doctor.

Period (menstruation) Facts

This may be a sign of an infection such as trichomoniasis or BV. Again, see your doctor if you notice green blood during your period.

Don’t be put off by “jelly-like” bright or dark red blood clots during your period. Because they are usually normal collections of blood cells and tissues. But if you notice blood clots larger than a quarter during your period (more on this below), check with your doctor. Speaking of which…

The loss of two to three tablespoons of blood during menstruation is considered normal. And this is usually after four to five days (although this may vary slightly for different people). But if you’re bleeding heavily, it could be a sign of menorrhagia—heavy or prolonged bleeding that can cause anemia. So, you can see a doctor if…

Menstrual blood, like vaginal discharge, can be of different colors and textures. Which can be disturbing if you don’t know what they mean. But often, your body tells you where you are in your cycle and when to see your doctor.

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