Shrubs Non Toxic To Dogs – My K9 is reader sponsored, which means we may earn a small commission through products purchased using the links on this page. This is how it works.

There is a lot to consider when adding plants and trees to your garden. You have to think about sun exposure, planting site, soil pH, and a million other things before you go to the garden center.

Shrubs Non Toxic To Dogs

And if you have a four-legged member, you’ll have even more things to think about. You don’t want to add any poisonous plants to your backyard, nor do you want to add any plants that are fragile to resist clothing and pull out your dog’s food.

Dog Safe Shade Perennials

We will try to help you fill your garden in a dog-friendly way by sharing 11 trees and plants that will not represent a great danger to your pet and are hardy enough to live with canines.

Each of the 11 trees listed below is a great choice for dog owners to plant in their garden or backyard.

Each is listed as non-toxic to dogs by the ASPCA, so they shouldn’t cause serious illness if your dog decides to graze on the leaves or flowers.

Please note that any type of plant material can irritate your dog, and some dogs are more sensitive to plant material than others.

Poisonous Plants For Dogs: 10 To Avoid To Keep Your Pet Safe |

Therefore, if you have seen your dog chewing on these plants, take care of your eyes and make sure to contact your veterinarian if he starts to show any symptoms.

, but most of the ones you’ll find in garden centers are cultivars of Chinese hibiscus (

Hibiscus are large shrubs that often reach tree-like sizes, so make sure you have plenty of space for these gorgeous plants.

Hibiscus plants should not represent any threat to your dog; the flowers of many varieties are especially edible.

The 10 Most Poisonous Plants For Dogs And Cats

Crepe myrtles are better described as trees than shrubs, but they are easy to tame with regular pruning. This should help keep them pretty small if you want.

No matter how you cut them or how big you let them get, crepe myrtles are a great choice for pet-friendly yards. Crepe myrtles are generally robust and hardy, and they are completely safe for your dog.

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That makes two excellent backyards. Many are almost tree-sized, but there are many varieties that work well for hedges. Most hawthorns produce edible fruits, and the ASPCA lists them as non-toxic.

Be aware that some hawthorns produce thorns that can harm your pet, so avoid those in favor of different types of thorns.

Recommended Dog Friendly Plants

Many people picture big, beautiful trees when they hear the word magnolia, but there are many large, colorful trees available from growers and garden stores.

Magnolias produce glorious flowers, but they also produce quite a bit of leaf litter. So, make sure you’re willing to remove your rake every once in a while before planting these cute trees.

Also known as the Japanese aralia or false castor oil plant, the figleaf palm is a dog-friendly plant for the yard. It can reach 9 feet in height, but most are smaller. They all have large, shiny leaves and attractive flower clusters (technically called umbrellas).

The bamboo palm is a very large dog-friendly shrub that can help lend a feeling of sunshine to your backyard. You will need a little space for these plants, but they are suitable for the environment they command.

Full Sun Shrubs That Thrive In Hot Climates

They are generally hardy, they are not poisonous to dogs, and they can even attract birds, which are attracted to the fruit of the plant.

This plant needs fairly warm temperatures to thrive, but those living in cooler temperatures can grow indoors, where it will help raise the humidity in your home and is well suited as a plant. dog-friendly home.

Basil is often a pretty little plant, but, with proper care, green-thumbed dog owners should be able to get basil plants to reach fruit-bearing size. You can choose from a variety of different basil cultivars.

Some tastes are different from the traditional form, while others show attractive colors. At least one form produces rich, purple leaves.

Plants Safe For Dogs For Your Home Or Yard

Basil is a great choice for dog owners, because it is not only an attractive plant, but it is also completely harmless. For that matter, it is good to have a source of basil ready to use in your kitchen.

Banana plants are hardy tropical plants that many people think of as trees. However, they don’t actually produce woody flesh, and their “trunks” are made of leafy pieces, so they don’t fit the biological definition of a tree.

Regardless of what you call them, they are definitely very large, so they are not suitable for all growing conditions.

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However, they are safe for your dog and they are sturdy enough to withstand your dog stepping around them every day, so they deserve special attention. They can even be used to keep your dog in your yard without a fence, although this would require quite a few banana plants to be useful!

Toxic Garden Flowers You Should Avoid Planting

It usually looks like a small tree, more of a tree than a shrub, but it rarely exceeds six feet in height, so it will work in many situations that are perfect for a forest. This plant has moderately sized leaflets, but they will usually grow above “canine height,” so they should not be dangerous to most dogs.

The Oregon grape produces dark blue to purple fruit (the ones in the photo above are not yet ripe). These fruits are edible (some people make them into jams), but they are not grapes in any way, shape, or form.

, there are two striking golden bells that immediately attract the eye. Some gardeners plant them as ornamentals, designed to give a splash of color in an otherwise green landscape, while others plant them as walls.

Please note that golden bells are deciduous plants, so they will shed many of their leaves each winter. This may or may not affect your decision to use them as a fence. But no matter how you decide to arrange golden bells in your yard, they should not cause your dog any health problems.

Non Toxic Plants For Dogs And Cats For Greenery Without Worry

Hardy and dense, this plant likes relatively humid conditions, and it often grows in swamps in its native lands. This means it won’t thrive in dry places, but it’s a great choice for those living in the cooler Southeast.

Boston fern is a great choice for small spaces, as it is smaller than many of the other two listed above. It can reach about three feet in height, but many specimens are smaller than this.

The 11 trees listed above should serve as a good start, but there are countless others that are also safe to use around dogs. Obviously, we cannot list them all.

So, if a plant that doesn’t appear on the list above catches your eye, make sure you do your homework and make sure it’s safe to use around dogs before planting it. your yard Your veterinarian is a great resource for these types of questions, but you can also check the ASPCA’s list of poisonous plants.

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Poisonous Plants: What Plants Are Toxic To My Dog?

Remember that a number of common trees and plants are very dangerous to dogs and should be avoided whenever possible.

Even though there are many dog-friendly trees that you can add in your yard, some homeowners may still struggle to find many good options.

For example, homeowners living in the arid Southwest will often have to avoid most of the plants listed above in favor of drought-tolerant plants and specialists. This can be tricky, as many succulents are either poisonous or adorned with dangerous spines or thorns.

Likewise, those living in the far north of the US or Canada will find a limited number of non-toxic species that can thrive in such cold climates. Those living in the Pacific Northwest may find their options limited by the amount of rain they receive.

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But don’t be discouraged: You don’t have to plant two trees in your backyard. Instead, you can get one of the other landscaping ideas below.

These plans may not completely eliminate the need for forests, but they should reduce the number of trees necessary to keep your property barren.

I’m a certified tree-hugger, so you don’t need to sell me on the idea of ​​adding plants to your yard. As far as I’m concerned, the green yard is, the best.

Nevertheless, the main reason we put fields and plants in our yard is to save space. Trees and flowers help break up the monotony of a property dominated by a lawn, and they add color and visual interest.

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But plants are not the only thing that can achieve this goal. You can use sculptures and other types of lawn decorations instead of trees in most cases.

Don’t worry: This doesn’t mean you need to go fill your lawn with a bunch of gaudy plastic flamingos (unless you’re into that sort of thing). There are a variety of tasteful and attractive decorations available.

The wind twirler is always interesting and dances domestically, although others may prefer more traditional-looking games. Other decorations will even let you show a sense of humor.

Don’t be afraid of me – I know

The Common Garden Plants That Are Deadly To Dogs And Cats

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